Part 3 Beaching

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The sun was out and sand getting in everyone's sandals. The gentle breeze hitting gently to keep the heatness down. I had placed a strand of hair behind my ear as I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets. Wearing a bikini underneath.. I wasn't so sure to show any more skin, than my lower half. Sally was playing around in the water with a kid named Ben. He was splashing water towards her, even if she's on a floaty. A teddy bear version... I took a seat under the umbrella next to Slendy who was wearing red shorts with white polka dots and was laying on his stomach in the sand tanning..

I brushed the sand off the towel and pulled my knees up against my chest. Watching everyone have fun in the water. Jeff, Toby, EJ were having a sand castle competition and I'm just sitting here staying out of the way. Watching.. though sometimes I wish that I could be like them. But I'm kinda forced to keep this secret. No matter who I want to tell I am not aloud.

A person in shark type of shorts with a grey hoodie with white strands handing down by the neck, there in case he wants to adjust the hood. He looked down at me and then squatted down where he is putting both of his weight on his tippy toes. Placing his elbows on his knees. And staring at me. I glanced around to see who else he is looking at. He had blonde hair that was messy but, he had blueish grey eyes.

"Hello there madam. Why is a lovely girl like u sitting there?? Alone?"

"Im not alone. I have this guy here." Points down at the tall figured down on the sand, suntanning "He is with me. And my skin is sensetive to the sun. And my sun block hasnt settled"

"Then is it alright if i stay with you til then?"


"Awwww.. why not. It will be fine.. "

Jeffs P.O.V.

I rushed to the ocean with my bucket full of sand and dipped it into the ocean, seeping it with water. I returned where my castle which was made out of sand. Smiling as I kneeled down and turned my bucket upside down onto the sand. And tapping the top. Sand came out. Making the sand stay. I refilled the bucket and glanced up. I see Kate, talking to a random boy. Who is trying to get her to talk. She is responding to him like normally without a smile. And then I see her point to Slendy. He squats down. And the gang, me and Toby and Jack. All got what we were thinking and we walked over to him and I placed a finger on my lips to keep it silent.

"Hey, maybe you shoukd have fun with me, your waiting for the sun block to kick in, I understand, but I promise it will be fine"

I see her shake her head no as a smile appears on my permante smile and I grabbed the back of his hood and watched her scoot away a bit and he looks up at me and then his smile, drops. His widens his eyes and I lift him off his toes onto his heels.

"Dont mess with our princess.. "

Jack and Toby surrounded the boy and dragged him to the ocean, watching him fly into the water, watching a big splash of water flew up in the air and they headed back. Watching the princess stand up and raise both of her hands up in the air for a good stretch and kneels down pick up a water bottle and walked over to Slendy and pours water on him. Running.. is what she did away from Slendy.

Watching her pony tail bounce around. Her jacket bouncing while she ran. Her smile and laughter, she tripped and lands head first into the sand and Slendy comes towering over her and sat right on her back, making her unable to leave.

"G..get off of me!"

"Not til im dry"

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