Part 7 DEAL!

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Jeffs P.O.V.

Seeing that Kate is very stricted when we brought mud into the building. But making them toss their items away, was a little over board. Now knowing Slendy listened to the order, as well. I gave myself a smile and walked over to Kate, who was sweeping outside, brushing the dirt and leaves off the staircase.

"H..hey Kate, I need a favor?" I asked turning it into a whisper, but she stopped sweeping and glanced at me before continuing.

"What favor?"

"I need a dog, who is one of a kind. I want it to hate people"

"What do I get in return?"

"I'll clean the house for the rest of the year"


She placed her broom in the porch, and took her shoes off and I watched her go inside. Leaving my sight.

"I ... just made the stupiest deal.. I have ever.. made"

Kates P.O.V.

I walked into Slendys office and takened a sear, staring out the window. Waiting for his return. I saw Jeff panicking to what he would do with the deal. He paced back and forth, arms crossed and hand on chin. Thinking how to change it.

"Oh, hey Kate, I didnt know you were in here.." Slendy popped out, when he entered the room.

He walked over to his desk, and pulls out a drawer. Takes his red tie off and replaces it with another one. His tenticles are still out in the open and he notices me and they just "poof" and gone. He takened his seat and places on his glasses.

"Jeff wants a dog" I blurted out.

"Hmm?? Is that so?"

"He said he will clean the house for the year if he gotten one"

"I see.. Its rare to have Jeff clean. So Ill buy him a dog, what kind does he want?"

"One of a kind, and hates people"

"I know the perfect one. Thank you Kate. Now, please relax for the rest of the day. Ill get it started"

I smiled and took my leave and headed over to Jeff. Who was laying in the grass and mumbling to himself. How he hated the deal I made with him.



"You have to clean the house for the rest of the year"

"I dont see no dog"

"No, you said to ask. Not to get one and you have to see it"

"But thats not the deal-"

"Neither is yours"

We stood in silence and I started to head back to the building.

"Where you going?"





I headed to my locker, spun the combination and jerked the locker open.

"Hey, hey, did you hear bout the murder in the green house last week?"

"Yea yea. How all 5 kids were killed with the same blade"

I had to be over listening to them. I mean seriously. Thats what everyone talks about today. All about the murder. So we got more security all over Campus. And well. I stayed out of the conversations.

When I gotten to my class I stayed silent most of the time, unlessI was called on. But, I did my work, did my homework, and was stuck thinking bout the murder. All I remember was the table making a big sound .. most girggling sounds. A small thump that fell in front of me. Right before my phone texted me. Then I remembered and pulled it out and looked for it. Random unknown number. Who was it from. Where did it come from?

Three police officers walked in the room and I placed my phone away. And there stood the cheif, women with her black hair all up in a pony tail draping from behind, and two male police officers wesring the same outfit as she is, but for guys, and wesring a hat. They stood at Attention, with their hands straight down their sides at the seams of their pants and their feet making a V-shape 80° degrees.

The girl walked down the asiles of the room til she stops at me and turn a turn as if she was a square. And looked at me. Everyone else in the room was surprise. I stared up at her and she takes the seat next to me.

"Mad'am. You know a person named Jeffery Woods?"

"Wasnt.. " I started to whisper and she gotten the idea.

"Follow me"

"Uh.. okay.."

We both got up and left the classroom and stayed out in the hall. 30 mins left and class would be over.

"So you know Jeffery Woods?"

"Its the name that the Student President said to him. When he counted.. he said there was 6. Therefore.. theres only 5- he counted me on it. He thought I was one"

"Have you seen him??"

"Not really. Just his voice"

"And.. by any chance.. do you know who he really is??"

"Yes he is the Serial Killer, from 3, to 4 years ago" Saying that made me feel stupid how I am living with him now..

"Yes mad'am. May I get your name?"

"Kate Loverbirdsong"

"Where you live"

"93626 ave Street #627"

"Thank you. Thats all I need. Now please. Get back to work"

I nodded and headed back inside.


After I closed the door to my locker.
I went outside and starting walking. Til after a while. When I walked over to my normal house. I pulled out the keys and unlocked it. I headed inside the building. And shut the door behind me.

"Im home"

I said, once I had taken my shoes off and headed to the kitchen and see if their was any food there. There wasnt even a drop of a crumb. I shut it, scanned through the cupboards for anything and there was nothing. So I grabbed the phone and was about to dial pizza. When another call came through.


"This.. is... Kate??..."

"Why is it staticy on my side of the phone, who the heck is this?"

"Dont..." the phone gets cut off. Along with the lights.

My heart sunk.

Is it Wrong To Fall for a Serial Killer? [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now