Part 9 ""

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Kates P.O.V.

I am just soo tired.. I could just sleep. But I have no clue where I am at. Just in some kids room. Theres posters of cars and bands, the bed is a dark navy blue that covers up the pilows. The closet is open and has the colors all in a neated ordered, by color. Books stacked on the dresser. And shelfs. I sat up from the floor. It was clean at least. I stood up to walk to the door and stops before I got there. There was a sudden pull against my leg and I saw that I was chained up, to the bed by my ankle. I sat down and tryed getting the thick cuff off of me.

But to something. I chipped a nail and its bleeding slowly, but I gave up, and leaned against the bed bored out of my mind. Stared at the ceiling. Thinking if Im ever gonna be saved.

The silence broke when someone walked through the door and he wore ((the picture)) ((srry couldnt describe it, very well i tryed but failed)) along with dsrk black hair and a red beanie that popped out of the colors.


He kneels in front of me and sits on one of my legs so I wouldnt leave. He dabbed the fork on the scrambled eggs and wavered it at my mouth and I shook my head.

"I can..t have.. eggs.."

"Oh.. Im srry"

He scrapes it off and fills the fork with mash pototes and a little gravy and he held my nose cutting off the oxygen and I opened my mouth to breathe and he stuck it in. Shutting my mouth and I swallowed it. It didnt have anything wrong with it. So he did another spoonful of pototoes and I opened my mouth and he fed me.

When the plate was done except the gravy left overs and the eggs. He takened his leave, leaving the door opened. And his shadow disappears in the hall. I stood up to go to his closet to see what he got. Mostly clothes in here. So I takened out a jacket and wraps it around me and looked around more. His books were all just.. normal. Litteraly.. mostly Harry potters though.

"Im Max by the way"

Making me jump and turn sround to him, I saw him smiling to me. Leaning up against the door. Had his arms crossed. Stsring at the wall in front of him.

"Wearing one of my jackets? Were you cold? You couldve use the bed. Its there all made and cleaned. I cleaned it right before I chained you up. Soo all clean."

"T..thank you"

I walked over to the bed and sat on the bed, very comfy. Though I felt bad sitting on it. He walks towards me and pushes me down on to the bed on my back and he leans ontop of me pressing his hands to grab both of my hands and bring them up above my head and pins them there. And ties them using white rope and connects it to the wooden part of the bed.

I started struggling as he places his hand on my chin and faces it towards him. He was smiling evilishly as he snuzzled into my neck. I felt his lips peck my skin. He traces it up and down, flutterly he smiles.

He reaches for him behind his back pocket and he flips the switch. A blade came popping up and he presses it against neck. Gulping, I felt the blade is really is touching me. He kept kissing my neck and gebtly grabbed my hair tips and kissed the edges.

"S..stop.. "

"No. I am taking advantage of you. You better be happy."

He sits down on my waist and starts to unbutton the shirt from the bottom. Seeing my stomach, my face flustered a bright red as he slid his hands up along my stomach under the shirt to the rim of the bra. A smile appears on his face as he tears the shirt in half, smiling at the sight. He licks my stomach with the tip of his tongue and slowly goes up to my chest.

Licking my cleavage a bit and grabbed onto the straps and slide them down my arms and grabbing the holders of the bra and digs his fingers through right before he pulls it off. He gets tossed off of me, and stumbles into the desk table.

"Bastard.. I was so close"

"Close my ass! You cant go stealing girls for taking their virginities and them tossing them out. But something was different. Right!"

"Yea. She was gonna be my slave forever.. she wouldve craved for it everyday"

He stole the knife out of his hands and slit his throat opened. Blood gushing out quickly he gasped for air. But failed and passes out. Walking over to me. Jeff's cheeks rose a bright pink, as he cut the ropes off and scanned the body of the corpse for the key of the chain and unlocked it. I covered my chest with my shirt. And held it there. It was torn of course but it was the only way to cover my self before the rest of the gang showed....

^Car Ride^

Jeffs P.O.V.

Kate was sleeping in the back seat along with Toby. But he was fast asleep against the window. Jack was having the wheel so I moved to the back and took my sweater off and covered her up using it as a blanket.. escepically around her chest. And sat back in the front.

"Jeff.. I kinda feel sorry for her. We sre just lucky we gotten in there in time."

"Yea.. Im grateful for that. Thanks Ben for tracking it"

The rest of the way was silent. Just me and Jack took turns driving. Kate slipped on the jacket a few mins ago and stared out the window and glanced away from it. Staring at the ground and Jack and I made eye contact and was gonna help her alot.

When we gotten home. She was fast asleep. And I takened her out of the car and carried her bridel style inside to slendy's office. Where he was reading a magazine and playing with sally.

"Slendy, we .. kinda need your help with some memory erase?"

"Yea? What do you need erased?"

"Everything that involves her today"

"Alright. She will be passed out for 3 days. Because of the memory wipeage."

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