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I am sitting in the grass of a place that I knew foor a long time. I remember everything that had happened.

Though.. you know whats funny.. I might've been human. But.. they are two. And I've fallen for one. His name is Jeffery Woods.

He's always been there for me. Sleep or awake. Pain or alright. Bleeding or not. Urge of death or not.

I stared up at the stars, watching them twinkle and shine underneathe that dark blue sky. The fog had cleared up. And everything was just perfect. Just the way it was.

"Hey, Kate, I have a quick question?"

"Hmm??" I sat up.

I saw a bright red blush on his face. But what shocked me the most, was that he was leaning in slowly, I felt the side of my cheeks heat up, as I let a gulp go down my throat. Then there was a "shrrrrooooo" sound, and an explosion hitting up into the sky. As I felt my lips being pressed upon.

Jeff was kissing me, under the fireworks. The bright colors, of red, white, blue, pink, green and yellow all appeared.

Everyone joined in as they all grabbed a shampane even good enough for Sally to drink and Jeff pulls away, regretting what he has done.

I touched my lips gently, as I smiled, that he actually kissed me..

"Kate! Come on! Light the FireSticks!" Sally insisted.

I stood up and went over and made her light up. Her eyes were watching the Sparkler ((firesticks)) light up.

Everyone was having so much fun. Even Jeff was. Though when the night had to come to an end. Jeff walked up to me, scratching his head softly.

"Im sorry, I kissed you out of the blue"

"Its fine"

"But, I um.. really do like you.. so I was wondering if you go out with me"

"Sure I would!"

"And I mean, like if you dont thats perfe- wait.. did you just say, you will??"


"Picture time everyone!! New year! 2017! Huddle up everyone!" Sally yelled happily.

I walked over to the gang as we all huddled up, Me and Jeff stood in the back, as Sally ran to the front. I grabbed Jeff's hand quickly, kissing him on the cheek, as the camera flashed. Sally ran over to check, smiling. Setting up a new photo. And running back, as right before the flash, Jeff tilted my chin up and kissed me, as I embraced him, wrapping my arms around his neck, as a bright flash. Shown. Sally ran back over and giggled.

"Happy new year everyone!"

"Happy new year Jeff" I softly said.

"Happy new year, Kate" he said softly, before kissing me again.

My life was too perfect. Perfect indeed.. my "Happy Ending"

The End.

((HELLO, Srry bout how short it was. Oops I have other stories to type up. And this one was just getting in the way, so, well I completed it. Hope you enjoyed. Read my other stories while ur at it. Each is very different. ^-^ i think i like my "Magic  School" (( need a new title)) and "Ghost can be friends to" stories. Til then. Thanks for following me! -Lynxx (Emily Bodek) Oh and Happy New Year! Of 2017!))

Is it Wrong To Fall for a Serial Killer? [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now