Part 2. Nightmare

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((Hello everyone.. um as you guys clearly see i haveent posted anything.. well i have an Excuse. Im teerrriiblly sick. I have been sleeping more then i am awake. Soo please bare out with me. the first chapter had over 3,000 words. soo the next ones will be smaller or a bit big.. Hope you enjoy!))

I was chopping up meat for dinner. As I am waiting for the water to boil. I head to the fridge and simply grabed the eggs. Turning around to the boiling water.. All my dishes were gone. All the cabinets were opened and emptyed. And I rushes over to the panitry. Opening the doors. No food.. What just happened... I looked around and found.. nothing. Though I left the kitchen and sat the couch. Maybe someone else will clean it.. I turned the tv on and rested my head on a pillow, switching to many different channels.. Soo tired, I decided to let my eyes droop themselves. And I was out, before I even known it.

At another place. Unknown. But at the right time.




'I said no!'

'But papa.. you never let me leave.. I wanna help to'

'I know darling. But right now you have an educational chance to graduate.'

'If I graduate papa-'

'You may help'

'Yay! Thanks papa!'

I saw my mother, sewing in her baby blue chair, that ticks back and forth. Watching the sewing colors turn navy blue turning into blood red and dripping. The room gotten dark and her hands dropped dead down into her lap. Her head lowered down as gushes of blood streaming down her throat. As the person leaving a chuckle as they leave the blade up to their teeth. Reflecting the reflection of me, in the blade. My face filled with horrid.

The serins in the back ground were getting louder and louder. As the person standing there was gone. I ran up to where the person was once standing, and I grabbed a fist full of my hair. Freaking out. The police came in and they rushed over to me and grabbed my arms. Pulling me away from my mother, who was once just stood there. Screaming and yanking, they pulled me out of the house, into the back seat of one of the cars. I smashed my hands against the windows as I screamed as loud as I could. But non of them seem to hear me.


I was hearing my name.. being called. Over and overed. I felt around my arms being covered up in such strong hands.. I slowly opened my eyes.. which felt like forever to open. Once I opened them, the first thing I saw, was the peircing of a permante scar. A smile appeared on my face and hugged me to fast that he widen his eyes. I felt him wrap his arms around me and I cryed into his shoulder. After a while I moved my arms away. Wiping my tears away. .

"Im srry, I just needed it"

"Your welcomed any time"

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