Part 5? Flu?

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What do you know! The last episode or part was my second biggest ever! Imma try to do more like them. But whats the fun of it if you guys get such a huge part. Maybe Ill do it a few times here and there. Dont worrry! Ill more like that. Trust me. Along with Jeff and Kate! And other couples. And from everyones point of view. Kate has a heart condintion its true.  And Ej! Is a doctor! Mahahaha thats soo awsome! But... did he really need to pull up her shirt. Revealing her bra. Perverts ;-; oooh well! Onto with the story!         ((^-^)) thanks for.. the .. short.. veiws. *crys* hope I get more~.

Jeffs P.O.V.

I woke up with hair all in my face, smells.. like.. a.. feild of fresh and riped green apples. I saw myself running around in the feild and picking up a red apple. Gently and looking at it. Out if the whole feild. There was the only single apple.

I glanced around to see minis bouncy curves from the apples and glanced down at the apple. Then I remembered something. "Out of the world. Theres always that one person different from the others from you perspective and if its not right. Then it changes. Remember theres always more fish in the sea"

I woke up to see Kate breathing heavily next to me. She had takened the blankets off of her and is suddenly in cooler clothing. Her skin mostly revesling. A thin strap tank top, that is a baby blue and small little flowers all over the shirt as a design, along sith short jeans that only up to her calves. Sweat was covering her pillow and her hair as she was faving the fan.. no.. 4 fans and was trying to cool herself down.

I got up and went to check the temperture of the room on the wall, it was only 63 degrees. Normal room temperture and I was confused.. How was she.. soo hot.. wait... dont tell me.. she has a fever!... I rushed over to her and placed my hand under ner neck gently and on her forehead and both areas soo hot that I felt her breathing against me and I walked out of the room and rushed down the steps.

Running around the mansion I rushed into Slendies room and sees a meeting going off. Slendy looks up at me and so does everyone and then they continue on what they were doing. As if nothing reslly happened. So I walked behind everyone and over to Eyeless Jack and leans in his ear from his side but also a little on his back.

"I need you to come with me, Kate's burring up, and is using many fans to cool herself down.. but its not working"

"She has a fever. We didnt have it. But.. " he raises his voice "Excuse me.. I'll be right back" he said taking a leave and I follow him. "Kate, is someone we have to keep an eye on. She is the first person to know bout us. And even hang out with us this long. Soo we better get her safe and healthy."

Ej walks into Kates room and sees her in cooler clothes and is all sprawed out in the bed with no covers on and with 4 fans on her side of the bed. Her breathing got heavier and much fastly as Ej rushes to the bedroom's bathroom, soaking a rag and wringing it out a little and and made a few more after that and rushes over to her and sets the rag on her forehead and hands a rag to Jeff.

"Rub the rag, on her arms and legs. We gotta keep her cooled. If we dont. Then she coukd either get something serious or.. she get a heat stroke."

I nodded and does what the doctor said. I rubbed the rag over legs, even in between them and underneathe. Where her shorts went and did it on the other leg. When I did that. Jack did her arms and when I told him I was down. He flipped her over onto her stomach, while at it. Swapped her pillow with a cooler one and did the back end of her arms.

"Wanna do her stomach and back?"

" sure.."

I got on the bed and lifted her shirt up all the way up to her shoulder blades and rubbed her back gently with the rug as I felt her hitch her breath a bit. From the cold but returns to breathing heavily. But not as bad before and when I was done. I pull it down and sigh.

"Do this every hour so til she cools down. U gotta keep re-wetting the rag to keep on her neck or head after a while. Swap it."

I nodd and saw him leave as I glance down at Kate, she is still asleep as she slides her hands under the pillow and moving herself into a ball shape and her face is still flushed.. but as bad before. I see her open her eyes and looking up at me. Moving her head lightly up to glance a better view of me and shuts her eyes again.

".... ... good.."
Her voice was scratchy but who can blame her. She was sick.

"Feeling better? Or worser"

"...b..better .. after a.. rag.. bath"

A smile appears on my face as I go over to her and lays in bed with her as I took my sweater off and placing it on her. As a blanket and moved her over closer to me where she was laying her head on my chest and she tossed her whole body over and faces me as she reaches up to touch my cheek and I place my hand over hers, making her smile.

"S..sorry.. that Im sick.. I have a weak.. immune system... s..soo I get sick.. easily-" she holds the sneeze in as it didnt come out but like a dead sneeze. "S..sorry"

I gave myself a small chuckle as I see how defenseless she is and I use my sleeve on my jacket to rub underneathe her nose, as her face widen in shock and a smile appears wider on my face.

"D...dont do that. Ur jacket will get covered.. in.. boogied and snot.."

I gave up and chuckled. "Its fine I can always wash it you know. Its washable"

"I knew that.. but.. aint it your favorite?"

"I said its fine"

I rubbed under her nose again as she relaxes on my stomach and started getting more sleepier. Her eyes dropping more slowly closed.

"Just sleep. Or close your eyes.. you cant keep them open anymore"

I watched her nod slowly as she shuts her eyes sliding her hand up on my stomach in front of her. She smiles.

"T..thank you..."

"No. Thank you Kate, sweet dreams"

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