Part 10. Braid?

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Kates P.O.V

I had awaken in the middle of the night screaming at the top of my lung. Jeff charged into the room with a knife and the rest of his crew were ready to kill the intruder. But Jeff lowered his knife and walked over to me and kneeled next to me and held me close. I cryed into Jeffs chest fisting my hands into his coat. The gang sighed at the thought and Jack took his leave while Toby, walking over the small basket of blankets in his pjs.

Walking over and tossing the blanket over Jeff and me, he takened his leave. Jeff pulled me closer as he crawls in bed with me, and holds me close, stroking my head. Making me lay ny head on his chest.

"It was only a nightmare..."

"But it was real, and you know it"

"... Ya. But.. its just.. a nightmare.. thats all.. "

"Truth... or dare.. lets play that. It will calm me down a bit"


"Truth or dare"

"Um.... truth"

I yawned. "Is it true, that you like snuggling with me?"

"Yes I do. Only to get you some  comfert and relief"

"Okay.. your turn"

"Truth or dare"

He smiled and rubs my head as I am already passed out.

In the morning. I smelt food cooking and Jeff was sleeping with me. His jacket was off and on the floor. His back was away from me and all snuggled up in the blanket. I got out of bed and walked around, hitting my pinkie toe in the corner of the bed. Winces in pain, I brought the foot up to me and lands on the the floor.

Jeff woke up and rushed over to me and I saw his 6 pack on his front and I covered my nose.

"Kate, you alright?"

"P..p...put on a shirt on"

"Shirt on?"

He looks down, a small chuckle left his lips as he pets my head, kneeling down in front of me.

"You cant die from a nose bleed, its a proven fact"

"D...dont care.. put a shirt on"

He stays and the blood starts dripping starts falling from my fingers onto the floor and then he sees it and gets a shirt on and grabs a tissue or two and places them under my nose and I held it there as he wipes the blood off my hand and drags me out of the room and brings me to the bathroom and shuts the door and locks it.

He rinsed both of my hands off with the raspberry smelling handsoap. And while he let me go, I continued washing my hands while he gripped a brush and walked behind me and stucky a black scrunchy hair tie in his mouth, with some of it sticking out. I felt the brush go ahead my head gently, as I grabbed my tooth brush from the slot, next to the sink and pasted some paste on it and started brushing my teeth. I glanced at Jeff in the mirror.

He glanced at me and I lowered my eyes quickly down the sink and spit, and continued. He placed my hair in his hand as he took the hair tie out of his mouth and place it on his wrist as he started braiding my hair. Which kinda felt painful.

"H..hey.. that.. kinda hurts"

"Sorry. It will get better later"

"Thats wrong on soo many levels"

"Ooh? You thought that was wrong? I could say something soo much worser"

"What is? Worser then that"

He glanced at me in the mirror and finishes the braid and ties it off with the black scrunchy he had moved from his wrist. After tying it off he placed the end of the braid. He placed a finger on his lips and walked to the door.

"You know, how rough would you like me to go?"

He said that and opens the door and Jack, Toby, and Slendy were leaning up against the door, that they fell into the bathroom, and Jeff crossed his arms and looks down at them. Their faces all red from being spotted and they glanced towards me to see me fully clothed and has my hair in a braid and Jack gets off the pile and walks over to me.

"You look neat with a braid, soo thats what the dirty talking was about. It was how hard he was pulling ur hair to do the braid. Hehe"

"How does he know how to do one?"

"Sally asks for a braid here and there once in awhile. So Jeff practiced on her"


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