Part 8. Kidnapped.

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My heart sunked.

The only sound I hear is the beeping sound off the phone. I placed it back on its holder and took my phone out. Turned the flashlight on and Ben popped up on the screen making me drop the phone, and making me scream.

"Dont do that!" I said picking it back up.

"Sorry Kate, I was watching tv in your room til the power went out. Then I heard you talking on the phone right after that. "

"I see.. can you contact the gang to come over here.. because Im scared to be here alone"

"Im here"

"Your in a screen"

"Okay. .okay.."

I left the kitchen, walking out to the dark and spooky living room.

"Ben you can see what I see with the light? Right?"


"O..okay.. good. Imma.. put it on record" I started recording and saw nothing in the living room. So I headed up the stairs and heard a glass shatter and rushed up the stairs and locked myself in the bathroom. Facing the door, tears running down my face.

"B...ben.. im not kidding.. "

"Okay hold on.." i watched him go through my phone and sent it to jeff and the recording continued.

"Ben. Im scared.. soo badly.. i dont wanna"

There was sudden pounding on the bathroom door and I cuffed my mouth to keep silent and pressed my feet against the door as I dont want him to get in. Then it stops.


I picked up the phone and looked at ben..

"How.. far is the gang"

"A while away"

I felt so horrible being here alone.. its not safe. How did he know me. How did he get in the house. How is it possible for him to shut the lights out, and along with the power.

"Kate behind you"


Before I even knew it. I was already knocked out. Hearing Ben's voice over and over again. He sent the video to Jeff. And the phone was smashed.

Jeffs P.O.V.

I was watching the video that Ben sent. Well kinda looks like a horror moive. The cammera shaking, and theres two voices, Bens and someone else. When I watched her going up the stairs slowly, there was a sudden breakage of glass and then when I sww everything going hazy and blurry, because the cammera couldnt get everything.

And then there was a sudden door, looks like the bathroom.  The cammera was turned over so I could see the acutal person. It was Kate. She was crying, shes scared. Shes talking to Ben. And when he said that. I already gathered my buds and traveling there. Ben tracked down the phone for us. But then, another video popped up. Its a short one. Bout 30 seconds.

The door was being pounded against and she placed her feet against it to keep it shut and when it stopped. She was whimpering..


After hearing the conversation. There was something behind Kate. Ben yelled at Kate something was behind her and before she would react, she was already knocked out. The person was wearing a mask, a dark clothing everything. Litterally. He held a bat in his hand and walks over to the cammera, tilting its head to his left. Rose the bat and swung down. Shattering the phone.


Ben popped up on the screen making me jump and scream in horror and he has streams of tears and soo scared he is in like a dark era behind him.

"Jeff! They stole! Kate! I couldnt find her! Shes in no range where theres Tv! Or consules!"

"Kates been napped?"

"Yes!, but I cant find her? Is there anything on her that I can track?"

"Kate has a mirco chip in the back of her neck. If you find it. Stay there ajd send me its address"

He nodded and Toby looks at me. I placed my phone in my pocket and stared out in the window.

"D..did she really?"

"Who would kidnap her?"

Jack cleared his throat, but kept his eyes on the road.

"Someone from her past"


"Police say it was her fault that she killed her Grandma"

"Her nightmare.. that was her nightmare.. I know bout it. The person who killed her Grandma came back to do the same thing to her"


My phone went off.

Ben sent me the address. Not that far. I showed Jack the address and he pressed on the gas and zoomed.

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