110: Don't go alone out at night!

140 21 56


I really respect you America

But you turn into sh!t

No offense i really like you

But really!?

Killer clowns!?

Da fck!?

I am afraid of too many things and you add more into my list!

So i have for sure comment and be sarcastic over this thingo

I know it is terrifying, finding a clown holding a knife.

I would freak out too

Too much actually.

So let's start.

You: *searching for pokemons in the middle of night cuz u are apparently an idiot.

But pokemons  ಥ_ಥ*

Come on.. Why i can't find one.. Oh here!

Pokemon Go: There is near you a killer clown! Go and catch it girl! Gonna catch them all! Catch all the killer clowns and win your own private wooden coffin!

You: o.o

*looks in front of you and you can see in the distance a clown holding a knife*

What... The....

*clown comes towards you*

Clown: hello~

You: goodbye~o.o

Clown: *points knife at you*

Any last words sweetcheeks~?

You: ...

Well, what's your height?

Clown: *confused* for what?

You: for your coffin

*kicks him where the sun doesn't shine*

Clown:*falls down holding his


Pants dying silently as you kick him over and over and over again*

Clown: STOP STOP STOP *takes off mask* IT'S JUST A PRANK BRUH! *it's actually Alex*

You: -_-


F u

Alex: ._.

Behind you t-there's o.o

You: eh what, a clown *chuckls*

*hears groans*



*runs like sonic as Alex starts talking with a real killer clown laughing*

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