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I cried for four straight days after that. Being that all of my friends were evidently brainless and had the audacity to stand next to Silica, no one texted me. Until today.

In my bedroom, out of nowhere, stood the mute girl from school. She wasn't wearing her a school uniform, an accessory everyone except for me and Silica wore, and rather was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Her Chuck Taylor's were covered in dried mud, her black jeans were ripped and her black t-shirt had the words Resident Skumfuk on it in red letters. I realized that she had the side of her black hair shaved down quite short and computer glitch tattoos on her scalp. The rest of her black hair was tied into an ugly knot on her head. She had a lot of piercings in her ears and on her face that I hadn't noticed before, and she was chewing on a piece of gum, staring at me with a look of disgust.

"What the heck are you doing in here!" I yelled through my sulky tears, throwing a pillow at her. "I told Daddy to keep all of the creepy goth kids out of the house."

The girl from school sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm not goth," she grunted. "I'm grunge. And for the record? I broke in."

"That isn't something to be proud of!" I yelled. The girl shrugged.

"You're annoying your neighbours with your incessant crying." said the girl.

"I have neighbours?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The girl nodded. "You don't mean the peasants next door?"

"Patty's parents. The ones who pay your bills and are your sole source of income."

"Oh," I shrugged. "We don't talk to them. I don't care what they think."

"They're sending hit people from you newly introduced rival werewolf pack to kill you or something."

"Say," I started, tapping my chin. "Do you have a name?"

"Evelyn." the weird girl grunted. She didn't look like an Evelyn.

"You're not pretty enough to be an Evelyn." I muttered. The weird girl sighed.

"Don't you care that you're in physical danger?"

"No," I shrugged. "Not really. I completely intend to seduce the sexiest person in the pack and make Rider James jealous."

"Right." the weird girl nodded. "Whoever he is."

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