Winning Over Her Heart (A Minho one shot - SHINee)

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(AJ: Btw, I don't own the poem that is used in this one-shot. I'm not sure who wrote it however :p)

"Choi Minho! Choi Minho! Choi Minho!" fans cheered from the bleachers.

The said boy wiped the sweat off of his forehead and looked over at the scoreboard. It was tied from 15-15. One more point was all he needed to win this game. His heart was pounding against his chest and he can feel the adrenaline flow through his veins.

He signalled to his teammate and his teammate faked a kick and passed the soccerball over to him. At the speed of light, he raced across the soccer field, with eyes on fire. He dodged the opposing team's players and dashed to the goal net.

The goalie squatted and held out his hands, ready to block the ball. His narrow eyes glared at Minho as he stopped a couple of meters in front of him. Minho stopped the soccer ball with one foot and aimed carefully with his eyes first. Once he found his designated spot, he kicked the ball with all his might, passing the goalie and straight into the net.

The crowd cheered and roared Minho's name. He held up his bicep and grinned at his victory. His team ran up to him and lifted him up into the air. Another person handed him the golden trophy that he had won for his team.

Among the crowd, a familiar face caught his attention. The girl turned her head to look at him and she gave him a bright proud smile. His heart raced and he smiled back at her. The people around them slowly began to fade away and only those two were left. She began to walk up to him and she caressed his cheek.

"Minho oppa, Saranghae~." _____ confessed sweetly and leaned in for a kiss.

Minho closed his eyes and leaned in. He had wished for this moment to happen for so many years.

"Minho. Minho....? YAH CHOI MINHO!" A voice boomed, pulling him out of his fantasy dream and waking him up to find a disappointed person in front of him.

Key sighed and shook his head at Minho who groaned and covered his face with a pillow. Oh how he wished that it wasn't all a dream.

"I wonder how someone could sleep for that long. Why are you still in bed? Hurry up and get dressed. School starts in an hour!" Key nagged and left the room to wake the other SHINee guys who also shared an apartment with him.

"Aish, I need to stop dreaming about her. That's the fifth time already." Minho said to himself and got ready for school.

At school~

"Minho oppa!" _____ called out from the other side of the hallway.

He waved at her with a smile and watched her run her way towards him. Her silky brunette hair flowed behind her and her cheery blue eyes smiled at him. Once she stopped in front of him, she bent over with her hands on her knees and panted from the long run she ran.

"_____-ah, you're panting when you only ran that short distance? You're so slow." Minho teased his best friend and secret crush.

She blushed and hit his arm playfully. "It's not my fault I'm not as fast as you." she defended herself and crossed her arms with a cute pout.

He chuckled and ruffled her hair, earning a glare from her as she tried to fix it again. Both junior students began walking to Chemistry together talking about random things along the way. They traveled their way to the back of the room and placed on their lab coats. Then, they sat at their lab table that they shared.

They were told to create a chemical change with the substances they were assigned with. Minho carefully measured the ingredients in the beaker cup and _____ made sure that he was doing everything correctly.

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