Breathe [HanahakiDisease!AU - BTS' Jimin]

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(AJ: This is a continuation of the last one shot! I'm inserting a trigger warning for anyone that is sensitive to anything regarding cursing, alcohol, or vomiting (even if it is just flowers in this). There isn't anything super graphic, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading here. Happy reading!)

❀ Hanahaki Disease (n) an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals  


You would think that living in a world with soulmates would be simple. From the day a person was born, there would already be the elegant scripture of a letter written somewhere on their body. This single letter would serve as a sign of there being someone special just waiting out there in the world for them to spend the rest of their lives together. There's nothing more thrilling and wholesome than seeing the lone letter blossom into the full name of their soulmate upon the first meeting. No one would have to worry about being alone since the tattoo itself was proof enough.

....Or at least, that's how it's supposed to be.

Strobing neon lights illuminated the darkly lit room. A mass of bodies continued to grind against each other on the packed dance floor. The sound of the EDM track currently being played by the DJ boomed from the stereos, making the entire room vibrate from its resonance. For the first time, Jimin despised being at the club. Normally, he'd be more than excited to hit the dance floor with his friends and down a couple of shots. However, the last thing he wanted to do was interact with anyone. He'd rather be back in the comfort of his own bed, but Jimin being himself knew he couldn't say no to his best friend _____ when she begged for him to come to her party.

Jimin sat at the bar sipping on his glass of water. He couldn't bring himself to deal with the burning in his throat that drinking alcohol gave him. As he watched the bartender serve up another drink for a different person, Jimin felt the presence of someone lean against the counter beside him. Turning to look at the person, he smiled at the sight of one of his good friends, Yoongi.

"Interesting choice of drink," Yoongi mused, gesturing to Jimin's half-drunk glass of water. "Normally you'd be the first to get wasted. You never could hold your liquor well."

Jimin let out a breathy laugh, "Hey, hyung. I just didn't feel like drinking tonight."

"Or dancing? I'm surprised I haven't seen you challenge Jungkook or Taehyung to a dance battle on the floor yet," Yoongi smirked, waving the bartender and ordering whatever alcoholic drink came to his mind first.

"Maybe another time," he responded with a small shrug, mustering up a small smile.

Yoongi stared at the younger male with narrowed eyes. He wasn't dumb to see that something was bothering Jimin. "You okay, kid? You seem off tonight."

Feeling himself tense from the sudden question, the younger male laughed nervously. "What? Oh, it's nothing, hyung. Just haven't been feeling my best lately."

Slipping into the bar stool beside him, Yoongi cocked an eyebrow at him. After knowing Jimin for a few years, he knew Jimin wasn't the type to reveal his feelings easily. He tended to internalize his feelings in order not to burden the people around him. Yoongi wondered if it was one of those moment. Knowing that Jimin would talk when he's ready, the older male simply grunted and looked towards the crowd.

"She looks to be enjoying herself," he commented. "The two of them look really happy."

Looking over to the sea of people, Jimin scanned the crowd to see what he meant. After a quick search, his eyes landed at the center of the dance floor where he saw his best friend _____ and her newly found soulmate Hoseok having the time of their life. Jimin watched Hoseok twirl the female before pulling her into his chest, _____ grinning and throwing her arms around his neck as she pressed against him. He gazed as his hyung whispered something in _____'s ear, causing her to blush and slap his chest playfully. The two shared a laugh before kissing each other lovingly. Feeling the familiar burning sensation crawling up his throat, Jimin clenched his glass tightly until his knuckles turned white.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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