Dance With You [Soulmate!AU - BTS' J-Hope]

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The blaring ring of the bell signaled the end of the last period of class. Within seconds, students immediately made their way out of the classroom, some heading home while others headed to their extracurricular activities. Stretching her arms above her head, _____ breathed out a relaxed sigh in content before bounding her way towards the back of her room to her best friend, Park Jimin.

The young male was sound asleep on his desk, a mop of blond hair resting upon his crossed arms. He let out a small snore, causing _____ to let out a small giggle. Shaking her head, she sharply flicked his forehead with her finger. Jimin let out a yelp before glaring at her while rubbing the red mark blooming on his pale complexion. 

"Yah! Why did you do that for?" he whined cutely, upset that he was rudely awakened from his deep slumber.

"I didn't feel like camping out at school tonight, so I figured you wouldn't want to either. Class is over, loser," the mischievous female chuckled at her best friend's behavior before gathering her belongings and making her way out the door.

Still groggy from his nap, Jimin clumsily threw his belongings into his bag. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he staggered after her before eventually falling into step with her and easily slipping into conversation. Other students in the hallway chattered aimlessly among themselves over new assignments, group projects, what they should eat for dinner, etc. However, soulmates seemed to be the center of topic.

"Did you hear? Soojung unnie found her soulmate today!" a girl whispered excitedly to her friend.

"No way! Who was it?" her friend responded with just as much excitement.

"It was Jaeho from the next class over. Apparently, she had bumped into him and when he reached down to help her up, they both saw each other's completed names on their wrists."

"That's adorable! That reminds me of how I met my soulma-"

"You should have seen the look on his face when I beat him in Mario Kart-," Jimin boasted.

He stopped mid-sentence and came to a halt when he realized _____ was no longer paying attention to him. Instead, she seemed to be paying more attention the two girls' conversation. With a pout, he threw his arm around the young girl's shoulder and shook her childishly, easily startling her from her distracted trance.

"Huh? What? Oh, sorry Chim. I wasn't paying attention," she spoke, offering him a sheepish apologetic smile.

"Clearly. Are you bothered about the whole soulmate thing?" Jimin mused, shaking his head.

Walking down the busy hallway, the two made a right turn to the front entrance of the school. Passing through the front gates, they casually made their way down the street. _____ threw her head back with a frustrated groan.

"Can you blame me for being bothered? People are out here finding their soulmates and living happily ever after. Yet, here I am, without a soulmate. This stupid tattoo only serves as a bitter reminder that I'll probably never find my soulmate," she complained.

Holding up the palm of her hand, the letter H was displayed in beautiful cursive on her wrist. The tattoo was there from the day she was born to serve as a symbol of her being someone's forever, someone's person to spend the rest of their life together, someone's soulmate.

The placement of the tattoo is different for everyone. Some have it on their wrists, their back, their leg, etc. The less fortunate had their tattoo in... not so obvious places. It is said that once a pair of soulmates have met each other for the first time, the full first name of their soulmate magically appears on their tattoo. After many false alarms (who knew there were so many people whose name started with an H?), _____ grew tired and discouraged at the fact that everyone around her seems to be so hopelessly in love with their soulmate.

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