Missing You (a Luhan oneshot - EXO-M)

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Tick. Tock. The night was still except for the ticking of the clock whose sound seemed to resonate throughout the room. The world seem to be asleep as a soft breeze rustled the treetops softly. Usually, everyone would be in dreamland already.

Except for ______. She tossed and turned in her bed in an attempt to find a comfortable position. Pulling her blanket over her head, she hoped the warm blanket encasing her would help her sleep. However, her attempts to sleep were futile as she removed the blanket off of her head.

Glancing at the clock that hung on the wall, she saw that it was 3:30am. Sighing, she rubbed her tired eyes. Her body yearned for her to get some sleep, but her mind was too occupied. It was occupied by thoughts of a certain male; her boyfriend Luhan.

He was in a famous South Korean boy band called EXO and he was divided into one of the subunits of the group called EXO-M who promoted in China. That was one of the downfalls of dating him. It meant having to spend a lot of time away from each other. He would be in China and she would be back in Seoul.

It had been several weeks since Luhan had gone to China in order to fulfill his Chinese promotions. Being such a busy idol, he could only contact her whenever he can which wasn't often. At the most, it was only two or three times a week whether if it was a short video chat or a small text message conversation. On nights just like today, she would lay in bed thinking about him and wondered if he was thinking of her too.

A light beeping noise pulled _____ out of her thought. She identified the sound which came from her laptop that rested on her nightstand. Since it the nightstand was at her eye level, she only turned the device towards her and opened the laptop. Wincing from the sudden burst of light, her blinded vision went back to normal.

She sat up only a little to see the keyboard, but only slightly. Most of her body was still in a laying position. Looking at her desktop, a happy smile appeared on her face when she noticed that Luhan was on Skype and was requesting to video chat. Clicking on the green pick-up icon, there was a camera image of all black before it focused and Luhan came into view. _____'s camera image was on the lower side of the screen. From Luhan's view, it was vice versa.

The two only stared at each other with soft smiles on their faces. _____ took this time to examine Luhan's face. He looked like he lost a lot of weight due to excessive practice and he had dark circles meaning he couldn't get much sleep. But other than that, he was still like a prince in her eyes and was still absolutely perfect.

"Hey..," they both breathed out in unison.

Chuckling at each other, Luhan looked at her with slight worry in his voice, "I didn't wake you, did I? It's late."

"Aniyo, you didn't. I couldn't sleep. What about you?" she asked him.

"I just came back from practice. Everyone basically passed out on their beds as soon as we came back to the hotel," Luhan informed, yawning into his hand.

_____ frowned, "Oppa, how come you're not going to sleep if you're tired?"

"Because I'd rather talk to my jagiya in reality instead of going to dreamland," Luhan smiled charmingly.

A blush formed on _____'s cheeks from his sweet words. Luckily it was dark and the camera couldn't make out the color very well. "Is China fun?" _____ tilted her head a bit, leaning her cheek against her palm.

"It's the same. It's beautiful here and the fans are always so supportive. Tao keeps dragging Kris to go shopping and somewhere along the line, I got dragged along with their adventures too," Luhan said, making a face at the last statement.

"Tao loves his Gucci no matter what country he is in," _____ giggled.

When Luhan didn't reply, she peered up at him curiously. He just smiled softly at her making her smile back at him shyly. Although they had been going out for over a year already, she still wasn't used to the affectionate gazes he would take of her. Suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared and was replaced with a frown. He sighed, running a frustrated hand through his soft locks.

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