Mr. Not-So-Simple (A Donghae one shot - Super Junior)

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"Hyung, you can do it!" Kyuhyun cheered on for Donghae who was sweating with a nervous face.

"We have faith in you, Donghae." Siwon commented and placed a caring hand on his shoulder.

The rest of the Super Junior members continued to cheer him on and were giving him random advice all at once. Donghae's mind began to spin from all the noise and to make it all worse, he had less then 10 minutes to carry out the horrific plan that would change everything for him. His knees were basically buckling and he gulped.

"It's time." Heechul said and pointed to his watch that read exactly 9:00 pm. The sky was already a midnight black and the moon broke through the blankets of wispy clouds, casting a soft yet eerie glow.

"A-Alright, I'm going." Donghae gulped and stood in front of the huge eerie building that made shivers crawl up his spine.

'It's all fake, Donghae. Be a man and show her that you'll do anything to protect her. Even if it has to do with.....g-ghosts.' he thought to himself to try to gain his confidence but failed.

The building that he was standing in front of was an abandoned looking haunted house that the other Super Junior members had prepared for this special occasion. Now why would they need a haunted house for? Let's take a little trip down memory lane.


Donghae took a hold of _____'s hand and kissed the top of it like a gentlemen. He flashed her a heart-stopping smile showing his pearly white teeth. She smiled lightly at him as he led her to the candle light dinner that stood before them. He had specially prepared this dinner at the top of Seoul Tower where it showed the beautiful panoramic view of all of Seoul.

"Oppa, this is really sweet of you. What's the occasion?" _____ asked as he pushed her seat in.

"Can't I spend a romantic dinner with my beautiful jagiya? Or do I need your permission?" Donghae teased as she swatted his arm playfully with a laugh.

They enjoyed the delicious dinner that was prepared and the smile on their faces not leaving for a second. Then, a slow romantic song began playing and Donghae stood up in front of his girlfriend with his hand outstretched.

"Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He asked and winked at her.

"I'd love to." _____ agreed with a smile and he took her hand in his.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and he placed his hand at the sides of her waist. They began slowly swaying to the music and they stared into each others eyes.

"Oppa, can I ask you something?" _____ asked him.

"Of course. Go right ahead." Donghae nodded.

"Answer me truthfully. Before you met me, what was your ideal girl?" she questioned curiously.

"Well, she needs to have long, silky brown hair to run my fingers through, beautiful big brown eyes for me to get lost in them, a smile to die for that brightens my day when I'm feeling down or troubled, milky white and smooth fair skin and most importantly, a big heart made of gold that's caring, sweet, thoughtful, intelligent, strong-willed and playful." he described but little did _____ know that he was describing her.

"Ah, she does sound perfect for you." she murmured with a light pang in her chest but she smiled more to hide the disappointment in her voice.

"What about you?" he asked her with a tilt of his head.

" ideal guy is someone who has that personality that you described for your ideal girl. A big thing that I like in a guy is someone who is strong, manly, brave and will be willing to protect me no matter what. Even if the world begins to crumble." she described with a smile.

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