Chapter 1: Beginnings in Russia

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Written as of episode 1 😂

Yuri's POV

I waltzed through the airport to try and find the person who was supposed to pick me up. It's so cold here in Russia, I haven't even taken so much as a step outside and I'm already freezing. Plus i barely know any Russian so what am I going to do?

"Да." "Не плохо." "Отлично! Пока~" I could hear people all around me talking in a language I couldn't understand. Frantically I looked around for someone holding up a sign of my name, anything! I then noticed all the signs were in Russian.

"Oh damn it!" I exclaimed. "Извините?" I felt a tap on my shoulder. As I looked behind me I noticed a man taller than me with light grey hair that hung over one side of his face smiling at me. "U-uh..." I stuttered.

"I see. You don't speak much Russian do you?" He replied.

"Oh, you speak English?" He nodded. "Yes. So what is it you're looking for?"
"Um well, I'm looking for the person who's supposed to take me to my hotel. But I can't read Russian.." I tried to use fairly simple language but I don't think I needed to, this person seemed fluent in English.

"I'll help you look for them. What's your name?"
"Yuri Katsuki." I replied. "And you?"
"My names Viktor Nikiforov. Pleasure to meet you!"
I followed Viktor around as he looked around at all the signs. I felt awkward and useless not being able to help in any way.

"Wow, it'd probably just be easier if I taught you Russian considering how long it's taking, right?" Viktor said turning to me with a chuckle. I nodded with a smile.

"Oh, there we go." He halted looking at a particular sign. "10... KatcykN?" I attempted to read it in confusion. Viktor placed a hand on his mouth in attempt to suppress the laughter.

"Ah here. I'll write it on your hand so you'll be able to recognise it." Without hesitation, he bit the lid off a pen, took my hand into his and began writing on my hand, 'Юри Катсуки'

"So that's my name in Russian? It looks strange." I stated. "Your language is just as confusing." We shared a laugh.
I realised he still held my hand in his own. It was warm, a large contrast to the freezing weather. He noticed this and I blushed but he didn't let go. Instead he lead me over to the man. "Come on."

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you, uh, Mr Nikiforov?" I spelled out his last name slowly in order to pronounce it correctly.

"27. And you can call me Viktor, okay Yuri?" I nodded with a smile as he stopped and began talking to the man.

"Извините? Мой друг...такси...вот..." I wasn't paying attention and only picked up on a few words sounding similar to English.

"Say Yuri what hotel are you going to?" He asked me. I pulled out my phone where I had written a note of the plan for what I would do whilst in Russia.

"Um... The...what does this word say?" I showed him my phone and he nodded. He continued talking to the man before finally facing me. "Don't worry I explained that you don't speak Russian and everything. Feel free to talk to me whenever Yuri!" He added.

"Thank you so much Viktor! Hopefully we'll meet again." I said following the taxi person out the door.

"Don't worry we will." He called back with a grin.

I got into the taxi and looked out of the window. Snow was beginning to fall but everyone here seemingly knew and were dressed accordingly. I wore a fairly warm coat, by Japan standards at least. But for now I was safe inside the heated taxi so I had nothing to worry about.

I couldn't help but wonder what Viktor meant by 'we'll see each other again.' Given the size of Russia it was extremely unlikely. Sure I wasn't going far but still...

I listened to the Russian music on the radio and wiped the window of condensation from my side. The music was happy despite the fact I had no clue what it meant. I had my MP3 player in my backpack but this music was just fine.

I wonder how I'm going to fare here in Russia? Maybe it would help if I learned Russian...

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