7- The bastard winks !

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I walk ahead towards the elevator while Dylan follows me. My mind is racing with endless possibilities of what he might be thinking. Sometimes, I seriously wonder what goes through the head of this dude. He is a mystery. But I guess this quality intrigues me.

I sound like a hopeless romantic. I mentally cringe at the thought.

"You 'Kay?' As he says, I don't miss the concerned tone in his voice. I look up to face him because he is like 5 inches taller than me and give him a sheepish smile. "Yeah."

He places his hand in the small of my back and lead us into the elevator while we wait to reach ground floor. One touch and I'm all ready to them to jelly and melt away in a puddle. While the journey down ,I notice him catching glimpse of me every now and then.

It makes my heart beat faster.

Don't think over think Mars. You know how all men are

As we were about to exit the building , he holds the main gate for me.

Such a gentleman .

He probably holds it for all women.

You. Are. Nothing. Special.

We silently walk to Starbucks that is around the corner of the street.

When we take our seats , he asks "what coffee would you like ?"

"Uh, small latte will be fine ". I say giving a thankful smile.

Minutes later he returns with our coffees.

"So Ms.Spencer, tell me about yourself. Where does your family live ? "

For some reason I'm nervous. "My family is in Florida."

He looks inquisitive at the moment."Do you have siblings ? "

"Yeah , I have a younger sister. A legit pain in the ass." I say in an attempt to release my nervousness.

He smiles, a knowing smile.

Before he could continue, my phone deicides to buzz.


This better be good.

"Hey Patrick. What is it ? ". I asked agitated and take a sip of my coffee.

"Mars, I had sex with Ly last night ."

And just as his words register in my brain i spit all the coffee back in the cup.

" YOU WHAT ?!?!?!?"

In front of me Dylan mouthes and asks' what's wrong ' .

Oh the phone , Pat speaks " I. Had. Sex. With. Ly.  Don't ask how it happened because I don't fucking know ! All I know is I need to talk to her and she just won't pick her phone up . She is constantly ignoring me and I cant live like this Mars. I LOVE LY AND I NEED TO TELL HER !"

Holy cow.

After a few moments , I finally speak." Then what the fuck are you waiting for Pat ? GO tell her !"

"What if she doesn't love me ?" He sounds so broken .

"PATRICK MORGAN you do not have a pussy in between your legs , so stop acting like one ! ! "

Dylan looks at me like I grew two heads.

"Pat , man up and tell her , now."I say emphasizing on each word.

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