18- Is this Dylan Grey blushing ?

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There are these certain moments in your high school years that get written down in the list of your most exotic moments of your life. Simply because that's how good that moment makes you feel. Like that one time when you finally grow some balls and muster up the courage to stand up against your bully which is most likely to be a queen bee. To yours and her astonishment you spit out the best comeback in the history of comebacks straight to that bitch's face. You know that feeling that your entire class bunks school yet you don't get in trouble even when everyone else does.

Yeah. What I'm feeling right now, puts all those moments to shame. Wonder why? Well let's just say, I got the damned job!

Running  or, should i say waddling, in all my glory, I step outside the Calibama building. My eyes searching for my favorite pair of grey eyes, and when I spot them, the adrenaline shoots sky high and I run to him and practically throw my arms around his neck while burying my face in the crook of his neck. He gets thrown back a bit and I hear his umph as his back collides with the car door.

I whisper-yell in his ears, "I got the job." I say almost breathless from all the running I just did. Let's just say, exercise is a foreign concept to me ,so all this running is basically a form of exercise that I'm not very used to doing.

So let me summarize my interview for you. I entered the building and took a hesitant step towards the receptionist when she directed me to the room where my interview was to be held. All my way there I thought of different backup plans in case the interview went crashing like most of my dreams. But once I entered the room, I was face to face with my fairy god mother. Like no kidding. My interviewee, Carla, is the most elegant yet down to earth lady I've met all my life. Not once during the interview did she let my anxiety surface  and constantly made sure that I'm absolutely comfortable in her company. This made the conversation to run smooth, without me stammering even once. By the end she seemed pretty impressed by my responses and personality and gave me the job in the technical department. Sure, my job may not get me the pay of the CEO but it does pay me fairly well and I'm very much willing to work my ass off and get to the top. I'm sure this is something Dylan would say. I silently blush at the thought.

Returning to reality, I get off Dylan,though he seemed pretty content since he reciprocated my bone crushing hug. Not complaining. At all.

"Congrats Mars. See I told you ! You would be just fine." He holds both my hands in both of his and brings me closer. I can feel the gap between us slowly dissapearing and I think I'm going to forget how to breath. So I lean my head in his chest and inhale deeply, taking in his intriguing masculine scent which is somehow very calming to my senses. He rests his face in my hair and seems to be doing the same.

Well I hope I don't stink.

"Hey Mars?"

"Umm." I swear I need to bottle up his scent and spray it on me everyday. Creepy? Well, not nearly.

"Uh, I-I was thinking.." His hesitant tone makes me look up from his chest and at his face. He seems to be having an internal battle. What is he thinking?

As if answering my question he speaks."I was thinking, will you, like I don't know maybe like to go out with me? I mean we could go somewhere and maybe I could surprise you,yeah?" I just stare at him trying to contemplate the situation. Why is he so nervous right now? He has asked me to go out with me before. He wasn't nervous then. So what changed ? What is different this time? I notice him scratch the back of his neck and then it hits me like a bloody bulldozer.

He is asking me out on a date.

Holy munchkins.

He notices that he has been rambling and I haven't said a single word and I can practically see him jumping to conclusion that I don't want to go as he face palms himself.

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