13- Do not drool Mars

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The room is big. Bigger than it was last time, or so I feel. The bathroom is grand. I mean seriously a person could go for a walk in this bathroom instead of going to a garden. Wouldn't be very different. The room has a balcony that I didn't observe the last time, probably because i was worried about which stranger's house i ended up in. Stranger. I snort at the thought. More like the second kiss of my life.As  I step into the balcony, I pay heed to every single detail. The view is breath taking and only adds to the serenity. I slowly make my way to bed and snuggle under the blanket.

Today was batshit crazy.

He kissed me. I kissed him. We kissed. And it was heaven. But I know how it ends. I close my eyes tightly trying to get rid of the sour memories from my past.


That name haunts mw till date. No matter how much you lay your trust in a person, in the end they only break it. He broke mine. But I can't even come close to explaining someone the anguish of those days. How it felt to be left on the sidewalk like you are a piece of shit. How it feels to be betrayed, by that one person you would take a bullet for.

I can't be played for a fool. Not this time.

Closing my eyes I drift to sleep, with determination of what I'm going to do tomorrow.


Beep beep. Beep beep.

I'm gonna kill the person who invented alarm.

I wake up rubbing my eyes and sit on my bed, scratching my head. Only to realize that I wasn't on my bed but Dylan's . Memories of last night come rushing down the hallways of my brain as I take in my surrounding, realizing that It was not a dream. I feel the similar knot forming in my stomach.

I pick my phone to turn the alarm off noticing a reminder

Reminder : Job interview at Calibama Industries.

Holy cow.

I'm late. I'm way too late.

I drag myself out of the bed and tie my hair up in a pony tail and sprint outside. I soon spot Dylan's room and knock on the door.

No reply.

I turn the door knob and it opens. I step inside and spot Dylan's God like, semi naked figure sprawled on the bed. The sun rays peeking from the small opening in the curtain pouring on his face as though the sun leaked its light only to do justice to the already magnificently sculpted face of Dylan.

Jeez. Do not drool Mars.

I need to wake him up and tell him I'm leaving. But something tells me that he won't let me. I can't risk staying near him anymore, else I'll be meeting my doom far more early than I expected.

My eyes scan around his room which is twice the size of the room I slept in. What does he even do in such a huge room?

My eyes soon come across a bundle of sticky notes and I head straight to pick it up and scribble on it.


Thank you for letting me stay at your house. I have to go now. I think it would be better for both of us if we stayed away from each other.


Well I hope he accepts it and doesn't act stubborn because i am not sure if i have enough will power to keep him away if he puts his head to it. I head straight outside to his garage and immediately spot my red Nissan.

I had applied for a job in Calibama the last week when I was successfully avoiding Dylan. If I get the job, my starting salary will be enough to pay the rent at the start of every month. I hope the day goes well.

But nerve wrecking feeling in my stomach tells me that that this is not going to go as planned.



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Sorry for the short chapter guys.
It'll be longer next time.
The chapter, I mean.

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Stay Hippie xx

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