12- I am not a wall

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Years ago when I had dated Ajax, my ex boyfriend now, I remember all the words that use to so easily slip out of his mouth, most of them were lies. I was naive then. Did not know how cruel the people in this world could be. How they could be selfish enough to hurt you with the one thing they knew you value the most. With almost no remorse, Ajax had broken my trust which could not be repaired till date. As I stand infront of Dylan, I try to decipher if he actually means what he said or is there any truth to it.

Does he like me ? Or is there a hidden agenda behind it?

He is looks at me expectantly , as though waiting for a response.

I should really say something. Some kind of response. After all he did confess he has feelings for me. What is the depth of the feels, I don't know. But at the moment, it's all too much. The painful reminder of the past and the possibility of having a painful future if I give into Dylan.

So instead of responding , I just pack the first aid kit and begin walking towards my car .

"Where are you going ?" He follows me as I walk ahead of him.

"To Patrick's house." I say without turning.

Abruptly, he grabs me by my elbow and pulls me to him bringing me to halt.

"Why ? " He narrows his eyes staring into my brown eyes looking for an answer.

"Because , Pat wants to be alone with Ly for the night. That is why." is my response. Annoyance clear in my voice.

"He lives with his elder brother doesn't he ?" He eyes me warily.

"Rodrick? Yes."

"You're not going to his house. You can stay the night at my place." He speaks with a poker face and leaves no space for argument. But of course, not like I am going to listen to him so I make the necessary space for an, or should I say another argument.

"Excuse me ?"

He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the car. I jerk his arm and free myself from his hold.

"And what the fuck makes you think I will listen to you ?" I snap. Clearly stunned by the audacity of this man to tell me what to do. Who does he think he is ordering me around like that, making me feel like a petulant child.

He does not own me.

My heart leaps out of my chest as he steps towards me like a predator .I stand motionless watching his eyes dilate and squirm under his gaze.

He holds my waist and gently places my back against the car door with merely a hair width of space between us.

"Because, I don't want you to spend the night with him in the same house. He is not thw tyoe if guy you can blindly trust. Do you understand ?" My mouth partly opens from the fast beating pulses in my body.

He is standing incredibly close and it is absolutely impossible for me to not look at his lips. When I drag my eyes back to meet his, I find him staring at my lips.

All these feelings that I feel. All these mixed signals that he gives are very hard to comprehend. And momentarily, I realize that I'm jumping into this gutter called risk, which is all about having feelings for a man and having him flip your world upside down and when he leaves, it breaks you. I can't do this, I can't keep putting myself through hell. I lightly push away his shoulder and walk past him brimming with anger.

I swiftly turn around. " What do you want Dylan ! What is it that you want from me? I'm really getting sick of this. Its been merely a week since we met and you keep coming back. Over and over again. Why do you keep coming back? Why?" I run out of breath due to my outburst as I notice him walk towards me. But as he slowly inches to me, instead of glancing at me, he marches past me back to the stone he was previously sitting on.

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