14- Don't you dare walk out on me like that again

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You know that feeling when you walk into a dark room with no source of light but you can hear people talk. It's hard to make out where they are talking from but all you can do is sense their presence usually followed by an eerie silence. Yeah, that is exactly how I feel right now.

Everything is black but I know its not because the lights are out, but because my eyes are shut. What sucks is that I can't, for the love of all things holy, open my eye lids. They seem to be stuck to my eye balls with super glue.

As I try to focus on the sounds around me I can hear Whispers.

God. I feel so exhausted.

What's happening ?

"Her vitals are normal. So there is nothing to worry about. She will be ..." This was an unfamiliar but heavy voice. I try to focus on everything he is saying but focusing is causing my head to throb vigorously.

"When can I take her home ? She .."

This voice sounds familiar. But I can't hear anything anymore. Everything is slipping off the edge and I can barely hold on to me.


I open my eyes at a painfully slow pace. It's agonising, but bearable.

The first thing my eyes focus on is the ceiling. Its white. I swallow my saliva only to realize that my throat is dry like the Sahara. I try to move my body insignificantly only to undergo a considerable amount of pain. Once my eyes finally flutter open, I gradually adjust to the light by squinting  and turn my head and soon, I'm acquainted with the constant sound of beep coming from what looks like a machine supporting my life. I'm in a hospital. Not a big shocker there.

I feel a hand grip my hand tightly.The fimiliarity of the touch is not lost as I turn to the other side.


He has his head down on the brink of the bed, his one eye in my line of vision as the other is dormant by his arms. He is asleep. How did he get here? Wait. How did I get here ? The last thing I remember is the truck smashing against my car. My heart drops to my stomach at the reminder of the gruesome incident. I move my hand under his grip. He suddenly jerks up, his grey eyes boring into my ordinary brown ones.


He breathes my name as the tension visibly leaves his body.

I give him a shy smile and look at our joined hands. I expected him to move it but instead he gets up and tightens his grip on my wrists ,but very gently, as though I was fragile. And maybe I was.

"Hi." My own voice comes out low even to my own ears and I suddenly feel weak lying like this on the bed, immobile, completely vulnerable. I slowly try to get up but Dylan stops me.

"Hey, no. You need to rest. Just, wait for a while okay ? The dizzyness will go and then you can get up. The doctor said you have a few minor injuries but they will heal with bed rest. So I can take you home today." He looks so tired and exhausted. Has he even slept?

He places his hand at the back of my head helping me up so that I'm slightly in a sitting position. It is then that I notice the abominable walls of the hospital room. I always hated the smell of hospitals and the kind of atmosphere that surrounds it. There is always an undeniable pain and anguish on the faces of the people who either are going to lose a loved one or already have. I'm glad no one is going to lose me.

He sits on the edge of the bed just beside me and cups my cheeks as my heart starts beating wildly against my chest. His eyes stare into the depth of mine, not blinking even once. For all I know, I'm doing the same, as I realize that I've been in denial. Ofcourse I like him and ofcourse pushing him away was stupid. I had always been Waiting for someone just like him to save me from the depths of my sorrows and now that I finally met him, I was running for the hills.

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