Chapter 9: The Gomez Family

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                                                     ~ Tuesday, 10:34 P.M. ~

                      ~ East 104 & 105 James Street, Matilda and Gomez Residence ~

        The Matilda family was around their quiet home. They were hanging by their table, playing a game that Olivia Matilda, the oldest sibling in the family, invented. Olivia had ginger blonde hair. She was wearing a pinkish shirt that said 'Antonio Girl' on it, short jeans that were ribbed above the knees, black socks and oval gold earrings. Her voice was sounded. It sounded like a peppy girl who was always happy. "Okay! Time for Mega Mil With Oli!" She drummed the table, giggled. Her family cheered. "Okay, we all know how the game works, correct?" Olivia asked.

      Penelope and her brother, Declan, nodded.

      Lydia nodded as well. "Yes. We do."

       "Alright! What're the teams for today?" Olivia clapped her hands together.

      "It's me and Declan, Mother and Father." Penelope answered.

      Declan, Lydia and Barron agreed.

      "Okie Dokie!" Olivia took out a the Mega Mil wheel. She set up the course and grabbed a TV controller, acting like its a microphone. "Are you ready, Contestants?"

     "You bet ya'!" They said all at once.

       "Alright. First question today,... What would you do if came across a kitty in the rain? Would you a) adapt the kitty, b) leave the kitty, or c) you take it the the animal shelter?" Olivia smiled.

    Before Olivia's family can answer, loud music came on. The Matilda Family was confused because there wasn't supposed to be music today. Honestly, it did happy last Tuesday and the Tuesday before. Olivia got upset for the first time and crossed her arms, "Oh come on!" She grumbled.

     "It's the Gomez again." Lydia said, sighing.

     "Their always doing this went I ask questions at this point of time. They even do it when I'm studying or reading!" Olivia was very upset.

      "They didn't do it with me. Maybe it would be because I'm always with Victoria." Penelope admitted.

   "You've became friends with her?" Barron asked

    "Slightly." Penelope respond.

    "Mom, can you speak to them, please? It annoys me when they blast their music when we do an event." Olivia said.

    "Okay, I will." Lydia closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them.

    "I will, too." Penelope insisted.

    "Thank you." Olivia sat down. She placed her head down.

    Lydia and Penelope got ready to leave. Barron and Declan watched. Olivia sighed. 

         After a minute, Lydia and Penelope were ready and exited out the house. The two ladies approached the Gomez Residence and knocked on the door. The music stopped and the door cracked open a little. Who stood there was Sasha Gomez, The Mother of the family.

     "Yes?" Sasha said quietly.

     "Hello, Sasha. Would you be so kind to lower down your music? My baby Girl is upset that you keep raising it up at our Family Fun Afternoon Tuesday." Lydia asked and stated sweetly.

    "Yeah." Penelope backed up her mother but her attitude was rude.

    "Oh, um.. Sure, my apologies. We'll turn it down." Sasha said unsure.

    "Thank you." Lydia smiled, pulling her daughter back home. "Sorry for the bother."

    "It's okay." Sasha went inside her home after staying for a while to see Penelope being pulled by her Mother.

    Penelope skid as she was pulled. "Slow down!"

      Lydia entered her home, tugging her daughter inside. "Can you ever be less rude?"

      "Can you be less tuggy and pully?" Penelope rubbed her arm. "And no, I can't. You know I can't deal with people."

    "And I also know that you have an-" Interrupted Lydia. You thought I would've let you on the secret, right? Sorry. Not now. Maybe later.

    "How'd it go?" Declan asked. He looked at his Mother and Sister.

     "Quite well. But a lot rudely." Lydia responded, walking to Olivia.

     "That's good.. Kinda." Olivia faintly smiled.

    They all nodded. Penelope went to the tabled and announced, "Let's continue now!"

    "Yeah,"  Declan, Lydia and Olivia agreed.

    "Not without me!" Barron, the father, said running down the stairs and to the table.

     The family laughed and started playing again from the start.

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