Chapter 7: Recovery

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                                                                 ~ Saturday, 4:36 ~

                                                        ~ Outside, 309 Ray Avenue ~

        Johnny, Penelope and Victoria was walking in the street. Penelope was trying to recover  after that incident with Snorkle Boy. Her friends stood by her side every step. The nurse told Victoria and Johnny to look for before they left the school's office. Apparently, they learned something interesting about Penelope.

       Penelope gazed at her two friends. "What happened to Snorkle?" She had no clue that Johnny had fought Stewart. Penelope had her phone at the time but she never got the text. Maybe they deleted it from her phone or her phone was off the whole time.

    Victoria looked at Johnny. "He.. uh.."

      "He decided to take a trip." Johnny cut in. He had his hands in his pants pocket. "He'll probably back on Monday. No biggy."

    Penelope nodded. She faintly smiled. "Okay."

     Victoria gave a slight unwillingness of this lie, but yet truth. She stayed staring at Johnny, wanting to know when they'll say the actual truth. "So, um.. How ya' feeling, Penelope?"

     "I'm feeling good. But, my throat hurts a little." Penelope said as she spoke a little slow. She stared at the floor.

        Johnny looked a them. He began thinking of how they'll take care of Penelope and how to keep her away from the truth for a while.

    Victoria got worried. "How bad is it?"

     "About five." Penelope closed her eyes lightly.

      Johnny went into reality after his thinking. "That's bad." He slow down his walking, standing next to his Princess evenly. "Is it raising up to ten?"

     Penelope nodded.

     "We need to get her back home." Victoria insisted.

      Johnny agreed. Penelope refused. She wanted to get more air before taking in her Parents' air. The parents that lied to her. Her friends looked at her.

    "I'm fine. We don't have to go back right now." Penelope was pushing herself.

     "No, Penelope, we can't take chances. You could have a failed breathing if we continue." Victoria reasoned with Penelope.

     "She's right, Penelope." Johnny agreed.

      Penelope softly shook her head. "No. I can develop my breathing tube. Just give me a chance."

     The sighed at Penelope's persistence. They spoke at the same time, "okay."

      They continued walking. Penelope inhaled and exhaled the positive, unpolluted air. Her blonde lavender highlighted hair fell into her face. She kept her eyes closed. Johnny and Victoria watched in worry. Johnny asked, "you okay, Penelope?"

    Penelope asked. She walked straight and then right. Her head nod.

     Johnny and Victoria noticed she was walking a longer direction to her house. They looked at each other and then at Penelope. 

     The two soon got relieved that she was heading home since they advised her to go back home to rest.

        After a few moments, they made it to the Matilda residence. Johnny waited outside while Victoria took Penelope in. Once that was done, Victoria and Johnny said their goodbyes and went home.

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