Chapter 8: Honor Students

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                                                                   ~ Monday, 9:15 A.M. ~

                                                               ~ Math class, room 457 ~

         The three friends sat in math class. They were learning proportions. Victoria was excellent in math. Johnny was middle to average to amazing. Penelope was also excellent to average.

       The teacher spoke in a rushing, but calm manner. "In this problem, you do change in 'y' over change in 'x'. And, it should look like this.." He wrote the formula. It looked like this; y1-y2/x1-x2. The teacher also wrote it the other way around. "'Y' is always over 'x'. Y1 can be first or Y2. Just as long you be careful and NOT make the mistake of subtracting Y1 with X2 or Y2 with X1."

   The class nodded in slight confusing understandment.

     The teacher continued, "this is also known for the slope formula. The slope formula is a formula to get a proportional variable of a graph. In other terms, it'll be a constant of proportionality. That's COP for short."

   The class understood, well, kinda. They smiled at the new information.

    "Now, with this information, I'll give you a worksheet to do. Try using the formula to find the constant." The teacher gave out the papers.

    The three friends got theirs and started working. They used the formula ten times and found different results that were the same for each of them.

    The class struggled while the three finished their work.

     The announcement, the loud speakers, soon came on. "Good  morning students." It was Mr. Wytte. "Today, I would like Penelope Matilda, Johnny Andrews and Victoria Gomez to report to my office. Thank you." The announcement finished.

    The three looked at each other as the class made an 'ooooooh' noise like their in trouble or something. They went to Mr. Wytte's office.

        Along the way, they talked. "Does anyone know why he wants?" Penelope still didn't know what happened to Snorkle Boy.

         The other two shrugged. They wasn't ready to say the truth yet. But, they were afraid that Mr. Wytte would say it.

        Penelope sighed. "I guess we'll have to wait and see."

       Johnny nod. "I have a bad feeling about this.."

       "Why?" Victoria asked.

        "I don't know. Maybe because we weren't called by the Principal before..?" Johnny figured Snorkle told Mr. Wytte about the fight.

       Penelope and Victoria shrugged.

        They approached the office. The three entered and looked around. Mr. Wytte walked to them. "Hello, Students. Please sit."

     The three sat, confused.

     "You might be confused on why your here. Well, I've received a report about one of you." Mr. Wytte began. "There's also been a situation that you've didn't go through guidelines of this school. And, also about your grades."

      The three was scared now. Mostly and especially Johnny and Victoria.

       "The report was about a fight. A student here was seriously hurt. They  told me that a boy named Johnny Andrews did it to him." Mr. Wytte was serious.

       Penelope looked at her Prince in shock. "Johnny..? Is this... true?"

      Darn, Victoria's and Johnny's fear came true. Johnny sighed and nodded. "Yes, it is true. I did it." He admitted.

    "Why?" Penelope and Mr. Wytte asked.

      "To protect Penelope. He went too far. I even gave him a warning. A pass, too. But, he didn't listen." Johnny answered honestly.

       Penelope shed a tear. "To protect me?"

      "That is unacceptable. You should've came to me." Mr. Wytte stated.

      Victoria couldn't stay quiet for long. She got scared.

       Johnny nodded in shame. "Yes. I know. I've also shared his secrets to everyone."

        "What?! Why?" Penelope asked in worry. She felt a little dizzy from the tension.

        "Because... I'm karma." Johnny said.

         Victoria sighed. "Mr. Principal, what was the other thing..?"

         Mr. Wytte looked at Victoria. "I understand that you three were in science class doing an assignment."

      Johnny and Penelope focused on Mr. Wytte. They and Victoria nodded. "We were."

      "Well, I believe one of you were doing a frog specimen." Mr. Wytte stated.

        The three looked at each other. Penelope sighed. "That would be me, Sir. I was studying the work of the frogs. I've been doing so for four years in this school." Penelope announced.

       "Well, I'm sorry but you'll have to end your research and destroy all trace of it." Mr. Wytte sighed.

     "But, why?! I've did it for years! This was suppose to be my greatest success of High School! This was my chance to shine and show my intelligence and show all the female dreamers, the male dreamers not to give up on something even if it takes years!" Penelope started protesting in an honest manner.

    Vic and Joh looked at Penelope. They were warmed by Penelope's reasoning of her main purposed goal.

     "I'm sorry. But, you'll have to. It's against school guidelines." The Principal tried to reason with Penelope. "If you don't do it, I'll have to take your research."

      Penelope made a tight fist. "No! You're not sorry! And your not getting my research because I hid it somewhere. I'm not quitting now."

      Penelope's friends touched her shoulder to calm her down. "It's okay, Penelope.. Just give it up."  They said.

      Mr. Wytte took a deep emotional  breathe.  Penelope shook her head.

       Victoria changed the subject again while Johnny used his index and ring finger to press on Penelope's shoulder, holding she'll fall asleep like the nurse said. "And our grades?" Victoria asked.

      Penelope numbly fell into Johnny's lap, unconscious.

       Mr. Wytte looked at the unconscious lavender highlighted blonde girl. "You three are on top of all your classes. In fact, I was thinking on putting you in the Honor Role."

       Victoria and Johnny looked at each other in shock. "Really? That's awesome!"  The two spoke at the same time.

       Mr. Wytte nodded. "yes. Really."

         "Thank you. We would appreciate it a lot!" Victoria said in happiness.

         "You're welcome." Mr. Wytte smiled, gazing at Victoria.

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