Chapter 12: Confessions

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          Victoria looked at the two. "I don't see how I even agreed to this." She was angry now. "Penelope, your a petty spoiled brat."

         Penelope looked at Victoria, hurt more than that pricked bench hurt her. "What? I'm not petty! And surely, I am no brat." She took an offense. Her heart might've shattered.

         "Victoria, she's not pe-" Johnny got interrupted.

         "Oh, yes you are. If your not petty, none of this would've happened to you and you wouldn't get all the attention!" Victoria began yelling. "And the fact that you call people unwanted names is a WHOLE different story, Ms. I-Hate-The-Nickname-Pen-and-Penny."

          Penelope looked down. She growled. "I never asked for attention, first of all. Second of all, I am NOT petty. Third, I call people names BECAUSE THEY CALL ME name First! Fourth, don't call me Pen or Penny, I hate it!" Her voice rose.

        "Victoria, just stop it. You know nothing." Johnny tried stepping in.

        "Oh really, Johnny Boy? Who asked you to defend her? She doesn't need anymore defending, she has her own mouth." Victoria said.

         "Don't call me Johnny Boy.. I asked myself. Also, she does." Johnny add in.

         "No, no. She's right. I don't need someone to defend me."  Penelope gave in. "I don't know why I trusted a new girl."

         "I don't see why either, Pen-Penny-Pen-Penny-Pen... Pen-el-op-e." Victoria tried annoying Penelope and succeeded.

          "Shut up, Vic." Johnny said. "Penelope, she's not right."

           "Don't... call... me... that!" Penelope was annoyed. Her eyes got teary. She ignored Johnny.

           Victoria ignored Johnny also and saw Penelope's teary wet eyes. "Oh, are you gonna just because I called you a name you didn't like, Penny?"

         "Stop calling me that!" Penelope started crying. "I hate it, I hate it!"

         "Sorry, Penny, no can do. I'll call you the name all I want!" Victoria said teasingly. "Also, just so you know.." She began. "My secret is.. I like Johnny, Penny."

         Penelope cornered an eye at Victoria. She stayed silent, not liking that Victoria loved Johnny.

        "Well, guess what, Victoria, I don't like people who uses other's weaknesses to for their own benefit." Johnny said harshly. His bad boy-ness kicked in. "And plus, I'm in love with Penelope anyways."

         "You, like her? Okay.." Victoria was heart broken. I guess that's karma... right? "Hey, Pen-Pen.."

        Penelope rose up. She was speechless that Johnny admitted first that he loved her. Her mind went to Victoria as she cried. "What do you want, Ugly Betty?" Penelope seemed to recover a bit.

        "Ugly Betty? Please, don't talk about yourself like that." Victoria rolled her eyes.

         "I don't talk about myself like a low person like you." Penelope hissed.

          Johnny had enough and sighed. "That's enough." He looked at them. "How about we finish off this whole confession thing, huh? Vic The Son of a Gun had a lot to say so it's me and my Princess's turn."

        "Princess? She's a frog." Victoria crossed her arms. "But fine."

        Penelope blushed. "Okay... But, I'm your princess?"

        "Yes.. Now, I'll start." Johnny said quickly. "I..." He paused.

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