Author's Notes

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Hello everyone! This is the end of the book. Yes, yes, I know. Rather short. But, I had no idea what to do next so I gathered information from my lover/best friend for life. Which, I give dedication to The9TailsJinchuriki for Chapter 17. He gave me the idea of how Penelope should die and the cause of it. Also, please follow him. He deserves to be a fellow writer fan.. or at least a reader fan.

On another note, I'm planning on making a part 2 of "Doors Next Neighbor" for you all but it'll take a while since there's other stories for me to do and school work as well. Oh, and, check out MissMysteryGame books. Their awesome, you'll learn a lot from them.

        Well, that's all for today. I love you all, stay crazy! :)

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