Chapter 16: It's over so soon?

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             Penelope was still in a coma. Johnny and Victoria continued arguing as well. The party was over and everyone left. The house was even on sale now. The two didn't realize anything. But, soon they stopped arguing.

            "Whatever.." Johnny said. He didn't care about Stewart anymore.

              Victoria rolled her eyes. "Hey, Penelope, you okay there?"

              Penelope didn't answer.

               "Penelope?" Victoria and Johnny stated together. They saw her on the floor, in pretty bad shape. The two hoped it was just unconsciousness.

                Victoria checked Penelope's pulse. "It's slow.. very slow. This is bad." She panicked. "Call 911, Johnny."

                Johnny nodded. He called 911, left with the operator. "Hello?"

                 "Hello. This is 911, what's your emergency?" The operator said.

                  "A friend of my is passed out. She has a very slow pulse. Please, come quickly." Johnny stared at his once lover and Victoria who knew so little in the medical field.

                   "Tell me your location please."

                     "East 270 Street. On Weekday Avenue."

                       "Okay. A ambulance is on it's way."

                         "Alright.. Thank you." He hung up.

                          Johnny and Victoria waited.

                             After about 45 minutes later, the ambulance came. They placed Penelope on a gurney and hooked her up to a machine. The EMTs  made sure she gets a heart rate and stays alive. They even invited Johnny and Victoria inside to head to the hospital with them. The two friends tried to figure out what happened. The EMTs needed answers so, one spoke.

                             "Can you tell me what happened?" The EMT said.

                               "Not really. All we know is that there was a goodbye party for our friend. There was an argument. Our friend and everyone left without us realizing it and then we found her on the floor just like that." Johnny replied.

                                  "I see.." They rubbed their neck. "Well, I can't be so sure but, I can guess that with everything going on... she got overwhelmed."

                                   "I hope it's just that." Victoria got even more worried. She was on the urge of tears.

                                     "Don't worry. If you stay positive, then I'm sure she'll be fine." The EMT reassured them gently.

                                       The two nodded. Soon they made it to Lincoln Hospital. The EMT took Penelope into the emergency room. Johnny and Victoria followed the EMT as they put her in a room. They waited an hour for a doctor to come. Which, came another hour late.

                                        The doctor stepped in casually with a folder in one hand and the other a pencil. "Sorry that late. My last patient took longer than I expected."

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