Chapter 13: Johnny's and Penelope's confession

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               "You what, Johnny Boy?" Victoria said.

               "I...." Johnny began with a serious look on his face. "I used to have a gang.. I went to jail for 19 years, took 20 lives, and I'm not supposed to be here." He got serious, looking away.

              "Your.. a criminal...?" Penelope second thought everything.

                   In love with a criminal? Interesting....

              "Yes, I am... not exactly." Johnny was nervous and confused.

              "Seems like Cinderella found her Partner In Crime." Victoria laughed.

              "Shut up, Victoria Justice." Johnny said. He turned to Penelope. "Penelope, I'm sorry.. But, I am."

              "I see.. okay." Penelope didn't smile.

                "Yatta, yatta, yatta.. It's Cinderella's turn." Victoria rolled her arms to a folding position.

               "Fine." Johnny and Penelope said at once.

              "Ever since I started school, first grade... I was bullied. I was soft, gentle. People called me Pen or Penny.. I thought it was okay... But, when I met Stewart... he changed my perspective." Penelope looked in the distance. "He told me that the nickname Penny are for cheap girls like me... the name Pen, it meant that I'm a weakling who gets written all over." She let out a soft tear. "I didn't like it since then." Penelope went on. "I'm hard on others because I'm afraid, afraid,... Afraid I'm telling you....."

                "Afraid of what? Monkey Man or your lover?" Victoria smirked.

                 "No... I'm afraid.. of getting hurt." Clearly, Penelope must be a broken record, right? Sorry! She started crying.

                 Johnny noticed she was crying out for help. "It's okay,"

                  "Oh, boohoo! Go cry about it! We all get hurt. But, I'm more worse." Victoria said with a careless attitude.

           "Shut up, Victoria! I don't mean it like that..." Penelope yelled. "I mean,.. I'm scared.." She got up quickly. "I'm scared of everyone! I'm lost, I-I can't feel myself! I'm in total darkness! Sometimes I go numb, pass out, cry myself to self.. No one knows... I can't handle it anymore, Victoria! He... He wants me. He wants me to just do whatever he wants me to do... but... but I can't! Don't you see?! I'm crying for help! All you say is, 'okay, whatever. it'll pass'! No, it will not!" Penelope broke down. From here, everyone was just staring at her.

             Johnny got up and held his Princess. "It's okay.. You don't need Victoria to help you. I'll do it myself. I'm here for you." He tried to comfort her.

            "Whatever." Victoria said.

            Penelope shook her head. She was now lost in her mental break down.

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