Chapter 15: Goodbye, Stewart! And everything gone wrong?

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                                                      ~ Morning, Saturday ~

                                         ~ 8:00 A.M., Outside Stewart's home ~

           Everyone from school was at Stewart's goodbye bash. They had cake, cupcakes, cookies, pie, pizza, juice, coffee and other stuff. Stewart's parents wasn't seen to be around it was only his older sister. The crew, Penelope, Johnny, and Victoria hang around Stewart to keep him company.

            Johnny turned to Stewart. "Where's your parents, Stew?" He didn't know. Honestly, he didn't.

              "Their...." Stewart looked away. " the store. Yeah, the store." He nervously laughed.

              "Oh. Okay then." Johnny shrugged, not getting it.

               Victoria punched Johnny's arm hard. "Bad Johnny, bad."

               "Ow! What did I do?" Johnny held his arm.

               "It's okay, Victoria, he didn't know." Stewart didn't smile anymore.

                Penelope cleared her throat. "Anyway! How about we take a selfie and then go dance?" She brighten it up a bit.

                "Sure.." They all agreed.

                 The group took a selfie for memories. They then went to dance. For Stewart, Penelope decided to have a slow dance with him for him to remember her. Johnny stared at them. Well, everyone did. At some point of time, Penelope got her thoughts to Johnny, feeling comfortable, making it look like she was in love with Stewart. Stewart looked down at her face, he couldn't hold it back anymore. He mumbled, "I'm sorry". Stewart placed his lips on Penelope's. He kissed her for two minutes. Penelope looked at him with surprise, she didn't kiss him. With a soft tone, she told him to stop because of Johnny. Unfortunately, he didn't. Out of nowhere, Johnny sucker punched Stewart, causing him to bite Penelope and fall back, splitting them away. The two fall onto the ground.

               "How dare you kiss her?!" Johnny yelled in anger.

                Victoria immediately ran over to Johnny and held him back. "Hey, calm down!"

                 "I-I'm sorry.. I-I.. was lost in the moment.." Stewart stuttered.

                  "Don't you ever do that again.. or else I'll k-.." Johnny paused. He nearly said 'kill'.

                   Penelope was scared at Johnny's behavior. She got up and stepped back.

                   "Penelope.. you okay?" Victoria got worried. She thought, oh no. I hope Johnny didn't scare her.

                   "Penelope..?" Johnny turned to her.

                    Penelope gulped. "..I-I'm... okay.. don't worry.." Her lip started bleeding because of Stewart biting her.

                     "No, your not okay. Your lip is bleeding." Victoria stated. She relaxed Johnny and went to her.

                      "I'm fine.. don't worry about me.." Penelope gazed down at her locket keys from Stewart and then at Johnny.

                      "Did I scare you.. Penelope?" Johnny asked, stepping to her.

                        Penelope moved back. She was hesitant now.

                         Stewart watched. He knew what happened. "Johnny... you scared her. She doesn't even want to go near you because of what you did to me and what you were about to say."

                          "I did...?" Johnny  now realized it. "Oh damn.. I'm so sorry, Penelope." He tried to go to her to give her a hug but the moved even more.

                          Penelope went behind Victoria. "P-Protect me..." She whispered to Victoria.

                           "It's okay... I'm here. He's not gonna hurt you."  Victoria reassured Penelope.

                            Johnny looked down, stopping. Stewart played it back in his head and came to the conclusion that it was his fault this had happened.

                             "No use.. she's not gonna come to me anymore." Johnny said. He turned around, looking at Stewart. "This is your fault."

                             "I know it is but it's not.." Stewart flash back.

                               "Don't you dare give me that innocent talk! If it wasn't for you kissing her-!" Johnny growled.

                                 "Shut up, Johnny!" Victoria yelled. She had enough of this. "It's not his fault! It's yours! Your the one who reacted terribly!  And if you want to get on his case for kissing Penelope, then you don't deserve her anyways!  She was the one who got too comfortable and made him happy! If anything, if you stay mad at him, then your mad at her for comfortable with him!" Her voice got louder. "AND YOU SHOULD KNOW DAMN WELL THAT SHE DOESN'T DO THAT UNLESS SHE'S THINKING OF YOU!"

                                    Johnny looked at Victoria. "How are you so sure?"

                                     "I'm sure because I've seen her reaction." Victoria barked at him.

                                      "That doesn't mean anything." Johnny protest.

                                       "It does.."

                                        They two kept arguing, making Stewart feel guilty and made Penelope get overwhelmed  and pass out into a coma. They didn't notice because their too busy arguing.

                                        Stewart spoke lowly. "I guess I'll be going now.. Thanks for nothing... Goodbye." He walked away, unnoticed. Stewart got into the car with his sister and left. 

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