Chapter 11: Victoria got strong..?

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                                                            ~ Morning, Tuesday. ~

                                                          ~ 10:24AM. Health class ~

                  Penelope, Victoria and Johnny was outside with the class for health class. Penelope was still upset with that whole 'Oh, let us not tell Penelope our secrets because we don't want her to get hurt' thing. Victoria still felt bad about what happened. She didn't like seeing the people she's with all upset. Johnny, on the other hand, he was surely confused. The silence from the three was broken by the class who was making noise by playing their games. It would break even more by a single voice from the group.

               "Okay. Enough of this silence! It's killing me." Johnny said, yelling with a sigh. "What happened that has you two caught by a fishing hook?"

                 The girls looked at Johnny confusedly. Caught by a fishing hook?

                 "I mean,... what's bugging you two? You haven't spoken for the whole day yesterday to each other. Or anyone, including me."

                 "Sorry, Johnny. It's just that we had a family gathering on Sunday.. and, things went wron-" Victoria began but got interrupted midway.

                  "Don't tell him any further... if you do, I'll get up and leave." Penelope said harshly in a rough tone. She meant it, exactly.

                    "Pen, look, I'm sorry it happened. But, I can't hide this from Johnny." Victoria announced a bit afraid.

                    "Don't call me that. I hate it. I despise it." Penelope turned away from the two.

                     "Penelope, stop acting like this for Pete sake." Johnny chimed in. "I wanna know so I can cheer you up."

                      "No. You can cheer me up by not talking or mentioning about this. Now, if you continue, I'll ignore you for a whole month.. block you from my contacts, change my class, and replace you." Penelope was getting mad now.

                       Victoria got scared-er. "Pen-elope, your not gonna do that for real..." She separated Penelope's name into two.

                       "I am. And I will." Penelope started to stand.

                        Johnny said. He didn't want to do this, but he had no choice. His hands grabbed Penelope's wrist and yanked her back down into the broken pricked wooden bench, hard.

                      Unfortunately, Penelope had hurten herself with her forearm banged into the back piece of the bench and got poked by a broken part of it. Near her knees. Victoria was left shocked. Penelope could be heard yelping, letting out a little swearing. "Son of a ---!" She sucked in some air to hold the rest inside.

                   "I'm sorry. I didn't want to do it, but I had to. I didn't want you to leave. You mean the world to me." Johnny said as he examine Penelope's injuries from the bench.

                 Penelope yelled. "WELL YOU DID DO IT!" She winced. The pain started rushing through her body. "Sugar Honey Ice Tea...!"

                 "I'm sorry." Johnny tried taking out a possible wood piece out of Penelope's knee and forearm.

                   "No your not!" Penelope cringed from the pain.

                  Victoria sighed. She had enough of this. "He is. Your not. I don't see why I even became friends with you..."

                  Penelope looked at Victoria in a mad, confusing expression. "What?"

                 Johnny looked at her, too. "Huh?" Confused.

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