I guess we're not that different.

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' "She's a skater too" Zak mind linked me as I turned to see Sarah and Amara pulling out small surf board like skateboard. "Nice skateboard" I said to them holding mine on the ground on one foot and my hands at the top " Thanks I see you and your brothers like retro" Sarah said looking at our wooden ones "oldies but goodies can you blame us" ' Sarah turned to give Amara a pointed look after my comment. " Cant beat them join them" she said with a shrug back to Sarah. I got on my skateboard and rode behind and watched as Amara got closer to Zak and Sarah beside Amara next to Blake. I saw how they all looked like two couples double dating. It kinda made me wish I had that with somebody. "Kacey what are you doing back there all alone" Zak called to me. I swiftly moved through the group. I ended up in the front still alone. " There I'm in the front of you all still alone is that better." I said as through our mind link not turning to look at either him or Blake which I knew heard our conversation. "lets go to Mc D's" Sarah said as I stifle a laugh about a joke that we made when someone would say 'Mc D's' "Sure" Blake answered.

With that we made our way to McDonalds. When we got there the boys took the girls order and said they would pay for them and I noticed I was getting moody who would pay my meal I had no boyfriend or mate yet, well Jaramey Jayy paid for my meal but I really don't feel hungry. " Crap, I only brought five dollars for myself." Zak said "me too " Blake added " I didn't have anything but three dollars" I said simply "your lucky Jaramey gave me an extra twenty, here " I said handing them they money "guess what I found out Blake" he said towards Blake. "What, is it about Sarah?" "yup, you know she's a nature demon. "that's fine with me" He replied.

"hey Kacey what do you want to eat." Zak asked me as I noticed how the girls were siting one on each side there planning to sit with the boys as pair but whatever. "um in not hungry, I think I'm going to go across the street to the skate park" I answered finally I heard Blake ordering for Sarah and himself. "I don't think it safe for you to go alone maybe-" I stopped him "Maybe you should trust me and spend time with your mate you found her take the time to know her to we all know she doesn't know yet it will be easier for her to come around when she finds out, and I'll mind link you and Blake if anything happens" I explained. "let her go, Zak" Blake said "Ok, but you have to contact us if anything happens and meet back here in an hour got it." Zak warned. ahh Blake was always the laied back one and zak the over protective one " I promise" I said as the both kissed my head and said good bye.

When I got to the park I remember about the snacks I had in my bag. I pulled out a snickers bar my coffee and small pack of cookies. Hopefully that will do till I get home. when I was done I started at the ramp then off to the hole. Me and the boys loved doing things like this. There was olny a couple of boys here. Most were impressed by my skills guess not many of them seen girls skate. After about thirty mintues I felt myself get weak I guess the snacks didn't hold up that much. I walked over to a bench and sat on the floor and leaned my head against the bench and closed my eyes. I soon heard a car near by and I heard some one start to walk in my direction but since I felt weak my sense were failing me I opened my eyes a bit when I felt his hand wrap around my back and another under my knees. I knew exatly who it was. I hung to him for dear life. I could heard him tell someone else to get my stuff and put it the car. I then felt him lay me in the front seat and the smell of food hit me "here" he said handing me a bag of Wendy's . "I'm not hungry and how did you find me" I said letting myself mourning in my own sadness " I felt myself getting weak but I knew it wasn't me I knew it was you." He turned to look at me "Kacey please eat I don't want you passing out or worse die on me, please Kacey please" I heard a sincere begging in his voice. " Fine" I answered not wanting to go against him. 'I mind linked the boys, they know your with me, and they know what was happening."

(at home)

I was sitting in the living room with Jayy using my lop top when he spoke. "Kacey about earlier .." I put down my laptop and turned his way "Oh ya I forgive you but trust is a whole different thing" "What how can you not trust me" he said raising his voice a bit. "How can I trust that that you wont go out and get drunk and show your powers to the world or show yourself to me ..... or worse.... what if, what if you never make it home" I said raising my voice as well. "And how am I suppose to trust you Kacey, when you told the boys you'll mind link them if anything happens, and did you?, No, You could have contacted me if you didn't want to talk them, I felt like I was dyeing knowing something was happening to you." I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I hated to cry. " I guess we're not that different, I guess we both cant be trusted, can we." I said letting a tear fall looking straight at him. I then wiped the tear off my face and got up to go to my room. When he pulled me back to him making me land on his lap " Kacey I'm sorry" he said wiping the tears that were falling from my eyes and hugging me tight. I curled closer to him and clung to him like my life depended on it.

I didn't noticed how hard I was crying until I felt his button up shirt drenched in my tears and the fact that I had his shirt was bunched up in my fisted hand. I looked up at him to noticed things I never noticed since never. He had a bold jaw line and his hair was in a Mohawk. Is that what it was really like. I guess he was reading my mind when he said "Sometimes I cut it like this but truth be told I don't have it like this this is just an illusion." I then looked at a small heart on the crook of his neck where it met his shoulder in the heart there was him masked and girl that in away kinda looked like me but I'm sure wasn't he's older so. then the tattoo moved. It showed them moving closer until they're foreheads are touching and so was there nose. I also noticed I was the only tattoo on him was that an illusion, "It's also an illusion, I have more tattoos than that but I still have the same tattoo on my body when my other tattoos are showing." he said answering my question.



******************************* there's a link on the side that shows how I imagine Sarah imagine her with a thin line of black eye liner and greenish eyes I think the picture shows if not then yea you know and imagine her with a white wife beater and black ripped skinny's and suspenders and convers that's a lot. ill put a pic of Amara later on I guess ill put pictures/links as I go along with this story sound cool ~kacey14kings

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