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after two hours of watching a movie and talking about starting over with jayy but someone had to come and kill the peace "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING" Blake came in yelling at the top of his lungs. I sure wasn't expecting that. At this moment I was wishing it was Zak was yelling at me I expect it from Zak. " Can you please calm down Blake." "CALM DOWN, CALM DOWN, HOW AM I SUPOSED CALM DOWN KNOWING YOU COULD HAVE DIED. I TRUSTED YOU, YOU PROMISED BUT YOU BROKE THAT DAMN PROMISE"  he said still yell but I wasn't about to let him talk to me like I cant read him. " I new we couldn't trust you that's why I didn't want you to go alone but I guess you have to grow up get in trouble a bit to learn we try to protect you the best we can, and now you know Blake she's untruthful to us so we have to take precaution." Zak said calmly but truthfully I felt bad for disobeying them but there was not reason for him to yell at me I understand what I did was bad. " I WAS THE  LAYED BACK I MADE ZAK LET YOU GO BUT LOOK WHAT YOU GO AND DO." " Oh stop acting like you care, if you really care you would have been at home the moment you knew what was going on but instead you stayed with her." I said raising my voice but not yelling as I got in his face.

SO WHAT I CANT GO OUT AND MEET GIRLS, OH BUT ZAK GETS A FREE PASS BECAUSE HE HAS HIS MATE BUT I DONT." Blake said also getting in me face. " I'm not saying you cant meet people but even though Zak has his mate he still hesitated in coming to check on me or stay knowing I'm with Jayy but you, you didn't  so shut up you don't care stop acting I can see right through you." I said staring straight at him. I felt the eyes of other upon us. Then Zak informed me that Jeff, Jesus, and Denis were here. Never once did I look away from his eyes. Soon he's gaze fell from mine to the floor. "That's what I thought" I said as I walked up the stairs "Kacey wait"  he called after me. I turned to look at him " I'm sorry " he said with sorrow, but I wasn't having it " Right now your sorry means as much as a penny to me" I said directly to him "If anyone needs me you all know were I'll be." I said heading back to my room.

(in her room)

So I found some books about the our kind and I think I found out why I felt weak when I was fighting with those men. Turns out there's this stone called alkalineselin, it produces a type of gas. And if you are a non full grown our kind it will effect you. I'm not full grown so I'm not immune to it yet. But I guess they don't know how strong I really am or who I live with. I found out a little bit more of our background not much that I already didn't know.

(later that day in the evening)

uhh should I go down stairs to eat ........... naaaa  "I thought you would say something like that" said Jayy walking in with a try full of food. "you know you want it" he said watching me eye the food "grr you know me so well, yes bring it here" I told him. He walked over and set the tray on the bed. I noticed there was two plates of food on the tray guess he's going to eat with me. "Want to watch a movie" he asked me turned the T.V. to Netflix " sure what we watching " I asked him already eating. "lets watch house on hunted hill, it scary but not that scary. After we finish eating we can watch a scarier one." "Jayy you know I don't like scary movies." " hah yup I sure do." he said sitting down at the edge of the bed with me.



''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''I know this is short but I wanted to update before Christmas so I could say merry Christmas everyone and im going to try to update two more times before my breaks over. love you all bye~kacey14kings 

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