Chapter 7: The First Night as A Teen Titan...

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Krystal's P.O.V

*~Later, Inside the Tower~*

The Teen Titans were more random than I thought, but they're really fun to hang out with. We danced around a bit then Beast Boy and Cyborg asked me to play a few rounds with them at Tekken 6. And, I kicked their sorry butts!!!   I think Raven bailed on us somewhere during the party. But now, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Robin and I are doing tag teams while Starfire cleaned up our mess.

"Hit him in the nuts! Hit him in the nuts, Cyborg!!!" I told him. We were going nuts in this game.

"Don't fail me now, BB!!!" Robin urged Beast Boy. Cyborg finally did a combo then I delivered the finishing blow. Cyborg and I shot up then started jumping all around the place like a couple of crazed bunny rabbits.

"Dibs and Shotgun on Krystal being my tag team partner next time we play!!!!!!" Beast boy shouted out.

"Sure, Beast Boy!" I said as I hi-fived him.

"Alright, alright, it's getting late. We should get to bed. Tomorrow, we start training as a team." Robin said.

"Um...Just asking. Where do I crash for the night?" I asked them, before they disappear into the dark hallway.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Krystal can sleep in my room! My bed's double decker anyway." Beast Boy said.

"Dude, she's a girl. She wouldn't want to sleep in your pig sty of a room." Cyborg said.

"Nah, it's fine. I don't really mind." I said.

"See?! At least she doesn't judge until she sees it!!" Beast Boy said.

"Well, if that's what you want. Just feel free to do whatever you want." Robin said as he disappeared dramatically into the shadows. Woah... I wanna do that too!!!!

"I'm gonna hit the hay. Good night, ya'll. See yah in the morning." Cyborg said as he headed down the dark hallway.

"C'mon, let me show you to my room, Krystal!!" Beast Boy said happily.

"Alright." I said with a small smile.

*~At Beast Boy's Room~*

"C-can you turn around for a moment? I just need to change into my PJ's." I said. He nodded then turned around. I quickly stripped down then hurriedly put on a white tank top and some black shorts.

"Alright, you can turn around now." I said as I flipped my hair to remove it from my tank top. I turned to see Beast Boy with his jaw dropped and eyes wide.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked him, getting insecure and tried to cover my body with my hands.

He shook his head. "Nothing." he said, trying to hide a blush. I ignored his action then climbed up the top deck. Beast Boy climbed in the lower deck.

"Hey, Beast Boy." I said.


"What was it like when you first joined the Teen Titans?" I asked him.

"It was really awkward at first but everything loosens up along the way. But it was completely different between Starfire and Robin." he said with a slight chuckle.

"Why? Are they an item or something?" I asked him, puzzled.

"Well... Not exactly. But the weird thing is that they kissed right in front of us then assumed that nothing happened and joined the Teen Titans." he explained.

'Hm... So Robin's had his first kiss already... Why do I seem so disappointed...?'  I thought to myself.

"So how's their relationship now? When I asked him in Slade's lair while Starfire was string to contact him but he said that he doesn't know." I said to him.

"They don't wanna admit it but they are TOTALLY hitting on each other. Their probably having a date up on the roof right about now." he teased. Then everything went silent. I slowly peaked over to Beast Boy with a sly smirk to see him with the same face.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked me.

"No, I think you're thinking what I'm thinking." I countered him.

"Wanna go check up on them?" he said.

"Let's." I said, trying to hide my giddiness. Beast Boy turned into a large eagle then I grabbed his legs as he flew us out the window and up the roof.

When we got there, we immediately spotted the couple talking to each other. Ugh, I hate couples, no matter who it would be.

"Told yah so." Beast Boy whispered.

"What could they be talking about...?" I asked myself, creeping closer to the two. Then, I hid behind a large steam pipe as I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"I trust your decision, Robin. If she turn evil, then we can just battle against her and send her to prison." said Starfire.

"That's the thing! I just can't!" Robin slightly exclaimed.

"Why ever not?" asked Starfire.

"There's something about her that just seems so... familiar... I just don't know what it is. And the fact that she's Slade's daughter makes it even worse." he said as he looked up into the starry night sky.

"I'm sure you're just tired. After all, you just came back from being Slade's apprentice. You need to get some rest." Starfire said, cupping his cheek. They stared into each other's eyes solely. Then, they finally leaned in and kissed each other. My heart suddenly crinkled in pain... What the? What the hell for?

"C'mon, Krys! We have to go before the two catch us!!" Beast Boy said, tugging on my arm. I let him drag me for a bit then I finally moved me body again as I let him fly us into his room again.

Hm... So Robin and Starfire are an item, huh...?

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