Chapter 9: The Gun Shots...

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Author's P.O.V

It's been quiet and peaceful in the city. Slade decided to draw back from plotting first to allow Krystal to adjust to her new lifestyle and to observe the Titans from the inside. Krystal on the other hand spends her time in the gym and outside from time to time. But you'll only run into her either in the gym to train, outside to meditate, in the kitchen to eat or in her room to sleep. It's really like her only purpose in life is to eat, sleep and train, she's like a robot XD lol. The Titans have been noticing it too but they're still too cautious about her to treat her like a comrade. Robin's been thinking of ways to get close her because he still needed that DNA sample from her, to see if she really was Slade's daughter. But just like the other Titans, he feels too awkward to approach her, because of her intimidating demeanor. But that didn't stop him from trying to get closer to her. So, he timed himself to match his schedule with her's. He went to the gym and worked out with her.

"So, uh... How's life being a Teen Titan so far?" He asked her, attempting to start a conversation.

"Uneventful." She said bluntly as she continued to hit the training dummy.

"Well you'd better make the most of it, they say that it's always quiet before the storm." he said.

"Okay." she replied.

Okay, Robin was now feeling super awkward XD lol.

"Don't you do anything else besides eat, sleep and train?" he asked her.

"Is there anything else to do?" she said to him.

"That's up to you. You can do whatever you want here." He said, doing some warm ups.

"Then I want to eat, sleep and train." She said, irritated. Then that's were Robin's mind just went blank from awkwardness, as he continued his warm ups.
"Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do, Robin." She said, grabbing her towel and taking a drink.

"Doing what?" He asked her.

She sighed and just walked, then took a pause right in front of the door.

"I meant what I said back then." she said coldly as she made her way out. He didn't move a muscle, he felt numb from the inside and the worst part was, he didn't know why he was feeling that way.

Krystal just got out of the shower and was about to kill some time by meditating outside when suddenly, the alarm went off. So she altered her route and made her way calmly to the main room. Once she got there, they were also just about to head out.

"What's the trouble?" she asked.

"There's and armed robbery at the Chateau Bijou. We need to get there quick. Titans, let's move out!" robin commanded as they all prepared to head out. Krystal stopped dead in her tracks. Robin noticed her going pale and losing the shine in her eyes.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked as he put a gentle hand on her shoulder, pulling her back to reality. She quickly drew back in disgust and sneered at him before running out the exit to join the other titans. Robin just took a deep breath in and let an exhausted sigh out before going out to join the other titans as well.

They arrive at Chateau Bijou and immediately spot the three immensely happy robbers ravishing their jeweled treasures. 

"Freeze!" Robin shouted at the robbers to get their attention. But instead of receiving their attention, what they got were gunshots. The sound alone was enough to make Krystal unable to move. It was as if she had turned into a fleshy statue. The others had already ducked for cover but Robin noticed that she wasn't moving, so with his razor sharp reflexes, he tackled her down to the ground and covered her with his body, getting grazed by one of the bullets on his sleeve. The impact of the fall made her realize what had just happened but unfortunately, she still had no control over her body. She was trembling all over as he just pressed his body to her's trying to get as close to the ground as possible so as not to get hit by one of the bullets again. And the split second that the robbers had to reload, the titans sprung into action.

As she regained the feeling back in her legs, she rand behind them as her constricted eyes were trying to focus on the task at hand. The robbers were not fazed because of the heavy duty arsenal that the had with them, making Krystal's heart experience tachycardia (irregularly fast beating of the heart) which can be extremely uncomfortable. The Teen Titans skillfully dodged the gun shots and sprung into hand to hand combat. As the others were keeping them distracted, Krystal summoned all her courage and tackled their leader down to the ground and straddled his waist (not in a sexual way). With adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins, she raised her fist and punched him right across the face. 

She did it again, and again, and again, kept going. Not noticing the blood that covered her knuckles as he poor, poor victim's face started turning purple because of the blood and bruises. They stared at her in surprise mixed with a tad bit of fear.

Then, a hand to her wrist abruptly stopped her rampage, making her muscles soften and the fear flood back into her.

"Krystal, that's enough." Robin said gently, emotion mysteriously hidden with his mask. He let go of her wrist and her hand dropped to the ground, as well as a tear from her eye. She quickly got off of the robber and bolted off, attempting to hide her agonizing shame with her thin, tiny hands. The gang was all set to chase after her but with one simple hand gesture, Robin stopped them dead in their tracks.

"Dude, what are you doing we have to go after-"

"Let her come back on her own. Us being around her will only cause her to fall apart faster." He said. And with that, the Teen Titans went back to the Tower.

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