Chapter 28: The Mistake...

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Author's P.O.V

Cyborg and Beast Boy kept Krystal company in her room while they got her patched up. They tried to be nice and get her to lower her guard a bit but it was futile. After an attack like that, they're not surprised that she doesn't trust them either. As soon as they left, she retreated to the tower's roof. The voices in her head were getting louder, they wouldn't shut up. Her heart was aching and it was hard to breathe. The pain was overflowing from her chest and into her eyes. Warm tears streamed down her pale cheeks and it made her head throb. Her body was heavy with emotion, she was practically throwing herself just to get to the roof as quickly as possible.

'It's your fault.'

"No, I didn't mean to-"

'You cause them pain and trouble.'

"That's not true-"

'You are worthless.'

"No, I-"

'Now that Slade is dead, you have no purpose.'

"I'm not his servant-"

'You don't deserve happiness.'

"Just STOP!"

'You don't belong here.'

"Make it stop... Please..." She mumbled to herself as she stood on the ledge. Her vision was blurred from her tears, all she could hear was the waves crashing against the rocks below her. Not even the soudn of the waves were loud enough to stop the voices echoing in her head. She clenched her fists to make them stop trembling and took a deep breath. She was about to take a step but was abruptly interrupted by someone grabbing her wrist and pulling her body towards them.

"What were you thinking?! Are you crazy?! That's dangerous!"

'It's Robin...'

"Are you hurt? Talk to me." Robin said as he was checking if she had any injuries. Krystal knelt on the floor, completely powerless as her head hung low, tears still continued to drip out of her eyes. Robin put his hands on her shoulders and attempt to stand her up but he was shocked to feel her tiny hand weakly grip the sleeve of his shirt.

"I don't understand..." She said quietly.

"I never asked for this kind of life... I... I don't know... Who am I supposed to be? I don't belong here... Or anywhere... Where else am I supposed to go?" She managed to say in between sobs. Robin slowly placed his hands on her and held them tenderly.

"Don't let what Starfire said bother you. You don't have to be anyone else, you just have to be you." He said with a small, encouraging smile.

"No... I'm a mistake. I have no purpose." She said.

"Just because you don't know your purpose doesn't mean you don't have one. If you're a mistake, then you're the best mistake that ever happened to me." He said as he pulled her into a soft hug. She was shocked by his gesture and it made her shudder in fear. He held her close and unconsciously took a deep breath and took in her scent. It hasn't changed and it soothed him. Soon after, her trembling stopped and her heart rate began to slow down. Her quick, shallow heart beats turned into deep, aching ones. She felt her tired body and mind become engulfed in his presence, accompanied with a sense of warmth and familiarity.

"You probably don't remember but last time you felt like this, I help you calm down too." He said with a small chuckle.

"Why...?" She said, her voice hoarse from crying.

"Maybe this will help you remember." He said before using his hand to guide her face to his. Their lips met and suddenly, Krystal's muscle memory kicked in, as if she had done this before. She slowly pulled away but rested her forehead on his. He took her free hand and put it on his chest. She could feel his heart beat loudly and in that instant, the voices stopped. The only thing that echoed in her head now was the steady beat of his heart.

"Only you can make me feel this way, Krystal." He said, she could feel his hot breath on her lips. She said nothing, or should I say she couldn't think of anything to say to him. She used the hand that he was holding and brought his hand to cup her cheek. She gently pressed her face into his palm to nuzzle it a bit. He could feel the heat coming from her cheeks even through his gloves, letting him know that she feels the same way. He couldn't resist and brought her into another kiss.

"I'll protect you, I promise. No one will ever hurt you, not even Slade." Everything was going fine but when Robin mentioned his name, Krystal immediately had an ominous feeling in her stomach and it made her visibly uneasy. Memories of spending time with Slade slowly began to consume her and her eyes started to water again. He saw this and brought up his hand and raised his pinky.

"I promsie." He said sternly. She looked at his hand for a moment then let out a laugh before reciprocating his pinky promise.

"Okay, Robin. I trust you."

They spent the night in each other's arms, watching the moonlit clouds drift over them in silence. The only sound that they could hear was the beating of their hearts in sync. The stars shone bright and twinkled over them as they watched the moon move through the sky. Robin had fallen asleep in relief and pure bliss and she silently watched his breath go in and out. She playfully but gently poked his cheek with her index finger.

"I think... I'm in love with you..."

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