Chapter 19: The Air...

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Author's P.O.V

"Krystal? Krystal, wake up!" Raven said, trying to wake her up. Her eyes shot open as she frantically looked around the room, trying to confirm that she wasn't dreaming anymore.

"Woah, take it easy. You're doing fine, we're in the infirmary." raven said calmly as she gently pushed her back. She took a deep, shaky breath to relax.

"Your vitals spiked, I was worried." she said. Krystal took off her oxygen mask and the needles inserted in her arm, quite recklessly I might add.

"I'm fine. Please don't tell the others about this..." She said as she stood up, and tried to wobble her way out of the infirmary.

"Clearly, you're not." Raven said condescendingly as Krystal fell to the ground. Raven was about to help her back onto the bed but with just a wave of her hand, Raven's levitation didn't work on her.

"Thanks but I don't need your help, Raven. I don't need your help. I hate being trapped in here..." She said before stumbling out the door and back to her room. Raven was a bit too shocked with what she just experienced. Did her powers really just not work there for a second...? She snapped out of her daze and headed straight for their training room to test out her powers again.

Meanwhile, Krystal wanted to make a cup of tea before she headed back to her room. And to her surprise, she found Beast Boy rummaging through the picnic basket that she and Raven prepared for a late soy based snack.

"Beast Boy! Up to late night snacking?" she said, trying to hide her tiredness. He jumped and frantically hid the snacks that he had behind his back.

"K-K-Krys!! Wh-whassup, girl!! What are you doing still up??" He asked nervously. She hid her little giggle and walked over to the counter to make her tea.

"You weren't eating up all the snack that Raven and I prepared, were you...?" she asked teasingly.

He laughed nervously, "Eating?! What are you talking about? I came to get my... um... My game! I left it on the coffee table, silly me!!"

"Yeah, okay. Well, I'm going back to bed. Try not to finish all the snacks, save some for the rest of us." she said before walking out the door. She took a slow whiff of the steam coming from her mug to clear her head. Little did she know that the steam actually slows down the fungi from getting to her brain.

Later that morning, everyone set up for their trip. True enough, Raven kept her little episode a secret but still brought some medicine for extra precaution. After they packed up, they headed for the road as soon as possible. Cyborg was so excited to use his new van, it was all decked out just for this trip. Starfire had requested Robin to sit next to her for once in the back and he had no problem with that. But what did kind of bothered him was the fact that Krystal was the one sitting next to Cyborg in the passenger's seat now. Robin sat next to Starfire as she excitedly pointed out the things outside the window, he reciprocated her excitement but couldn't help but be distracted by the unknown thing that Cyborg and Krystal are laughing about.

"You're gonna love it at their tower, it has all of my latest tech and software installed and of course was designed by your's truly." Cyborg gloated.

"Does it sit near the city like our tower??" she asked him as she looked out the window.

"Relatively near. It's a bit farther away compared to our tower which is perfect because there's hardly any pollution surrounding it!" he said excitedly.

Shortly after a few hours, they finally were able to reach the tower and the other titans helped get the stuff down from the van. Raven secretly asked Krystal to take it easy and not help with carrying the heavy loads, and she willingly obliged. She stood at the end of the shore and took a deep breath. The salt air had weakened the fungus and prevented it from spreading further into her system. While Krystal was separated from the group, Starfire took this chance to be as friendly with Robin as possible, trying to distract him from Krystal. Beast Boy approached her and gently tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, Krystal. You doing okay?" he asked her.

"Yeah! This place is beautiful!" she replied with a joyful spin.

"Glad to hear it!! We're setting up the picnic on the beach in a while, wanna join us??" he asked.

"Yes of course!!" she said as the two of them walked into the tower. Aside from Raven, none knew any better about her condition and she was debating whether or not to tell Robin about her discovery. After all, he did order her to study the sample and report back to him. But she still had things that she wanted to study about the fungus before telling Robin or Krystal about it.

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