Chapter 11: The Tension...

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Author's P.O.V

Robin had returned to the Titans' tower with Krystal unconscious in his arms. He asked the ladies to take care of her, like give her a bath and put her in warm clothes and a warm blanket while he updated the criminal report log. And as soon as the girls had put Krystal into her bed, they had decided to hit the hay. Starfire went to the main ops room to fetch Robin for their late night star gazing.

"Robin, are you not going to join me for our nightly gazing af the stars?" Starfire asked him by the door way.

"I'm sorry Starfire, I can't tonight. i have a lot of work to catch up on." he replied, not looking in her direction.

"Oh that is fine! I shall help you accomplish your tasks!" She volunteered excitedly.

"No, really Starfire. I have to do this alone. Thank for offering though." He replied as he faced her with a small smile. Starfire was dishearten by his response.

"Alright. But try not to stay up too late." she said gloomily as he placed a small peck on his cheek. He said nothing and just smiled at her, trying to hide his befuddlement. She smiled back then headed back to her room. As soon as he was sure everyone else had gone to bed, he slammed his fists on the table and clutched his head to stop it from throbbing.

"Dammit!! Why doesn't it feel the same anymore?!" He whispered angrily. What do you think he's talking about? Hahahahaha good guess, he was pertaining to his romantic relation with Starfire. Yet it seems as though he's starting to develop feelings for someone else, who could it be?? Beast Boy maybe? No I'm just kidding! Of course who else comes to your mind, none other than RAVEN, RIGHT?! No no, I'm kidding again hahaha. Alright you guessed right, it's Krystal he's thinking about. He gave up on being rational and just decided to see how Krystal was doing in her room. He walked in to see her still sound asleep, so he just took a seat at the edge of her bed, sulking. Krystal was a light sleeper so she was woken up by his gesture. She sat up, Robin not noticing her.

"Hey." she said bluntly which startled Robin.

"Sorry, sorry! I was just uh... You know, um... I'll just... I'll go." He stuttered and he was about to walk out of her room completely embarrassed.

"Hey save it. It's alright." she said, a bit softer this time. He turned around and cleared his throat. He walked nearer and stood at the side of her bed. Her delicate fingers patted on the soft fabric, gesturing to him that it was okay to sit with her on the bed. He cautiously took a seat at the farthest distance that he could sit without being rude. But she paid him no attention as she stared down at her fiddling hands.

"Thanks for saving me." She said with a small smile. It was a good thing Robin was sitting down because her smile made him weak in the knees.

"N-no problem." He said, trying to keep his cool. She crawled towards him and closed the space that was in between them. His body was tense as she gave him a pleading look with flushed cheeks.

"Is it getting hotter in here?" she asked as she slowly undid one of her buttons. Her other arm wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer towards her until they were soulfully looking into each other's eyes and they were lip distance apart. He couldn't hold back anymore, he leaned in and kissed her. He was terrified of moving his hands because if he wasn't restraining them, he wouldn't know what they'd do. But Krystal's hands carefully guided them to her waist, making him pull her closer. they ended the kiss and he starred into her eyes again and noticed that they were cloudy.

They were different.

The eyes that he used to see were just like her name, crystal clear and head-strong. Her gaze was so sharp that he could almost feel her cutting into his deep inner mind. But right now, they're just clouded and void. This was not the Krystal that he knew. He pushed her back in bed and look big strides to get out of her room. He slammed himself up against the wall and sat on the ground, massaging his temples.

"That was dangerous..." He mumbled to himself. He got himself together then walked back to his room to take a late night cold shower (if you know what I mean ;P).

Meanwhile, Krystal was angry with herself. She was furious. She didn't know why she became so impulsive just know. Her loathing of Robin intensified when he didn't deny the kiss. She was practically gagging on the inside. And yet, there was still that strange little nuisance that kept bugging her that it just felt so right. She grabbed one of her pillows and started whacking herself back to sanity as she tried to rid her mind of that horrid kiss.

Strangely, Starfire had that natural alien instinct that there was something going on between the two, despite the fact that they were together. And she was right to feel that way with all the commotion and coincidences that were taking place between them.

As the three of them lay their heads down to rest and close their eyes, they thought positively about the day ahead and tried to push away the bad vibes that would most probably serve as a hindrance on one another's relationships.

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