Chapter 20: The Game...

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Author's P.O.V

"Hey let's bust out that volleyball continue where we left off in our tournament!" Bumble Bee said enthusiastically. The guys set up the net and the ladies waited for them to finish.

"Hey, Krys! Wanna join us??" Aqualad asked her.

"Oh, no thank you... I'll just be the spectator. I don't know how to play." said Krystal as she sat down on the sand and hugged her knees.

"I can teach you. By the time I'm done, she'll b better than any one of you!" Speedy said confidently. He held out a hand and help her stand up as he flashed her his pearly white teeth.

"Oh yeah? Then get to it then, slow poke! We'll get started on the matches!" Bumblebee said as she threw her fists in the air, pumped to get their volleyball tournament going. Robin watched Speedy drag Krystal off a little farther away from them to teach her the basic of volleyball.

"Come, Robin! Let us be on the same team for the tournament of ball of the volley!" Starfire said as she dragged Robin away from them as well. The others had begun playing while Speedy began teaching her. And boy, he wasn't called Speedy for nothing.

"Alright so the first thing you have to learn is the proper form." He said as he stood behind her and snaked her arms onto her's and showed her what the correct stance was. Her heart was thumping and she didn't know whether it was fear or actual infatuation. He rested his head on her shoulder and tried to hide his smirk. Robin couldn't help but peak at them in his peripheral vision, making him fumble with some of his moves. he would look away for one second and he would already find them laughing with one another. Speedy wasn't as creepy as Krystal had assumed. He would sometimes get a little too close for comfort then he would break the ice and make her laugh with his inconspicuous pick up lines that would only register to her as jokes. Meanwhile, Starfire noticed that he was distracted by Krystal and Speedy so she tried to distract him from them instead, but of course there was no avail.

And there it is again.

There's that rage that Robin had in his chest that build up. Starfire was leaning on his shoulder asleep as well as Raven and Beast Boy. Krystal sat in front again beside Cyborg as he drove them back home. The two of them thought that everyone else was already asleep including Robin because of his mask.

"Did you have fun today??" Cyborg asked her.

"Yeah, so much fun..." she whispered happily.

"I'm glad." he said as he smiled back at her.

'Wow, twice in one day. Is everyone trying to piss me off today??' Robin thought to himself right before slowly drifting off to sleep. By the time he woke up, they were already back at the tower. Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg went to their rooms to hit the hay and Robin carried Starfire to her bedroom and put her to bed. Because he slept for a good while in the car, he didn't really feel that sleepy. Tonight was the night when he and Starfire would go stargazing but obviously that won't happen because she's already asleep. So he went up to the roof alone. And to his surprise, he finds her there. Who? Krystal.

"What are you doing here?" He asked her, accidentally makng it sound like he was pissed at her. She as offended by his rude remark. She stood up and fixed her ruffled skirt.

"Oh wow sorry, I didn't know that this place was only for you and Starfire. I'll leave now, captain." She said condescendingly.

"No, wait. I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to sound so mean. Please stay." He said. She breathed out to try and calm her nerves as she closed the door and leaned on the wall, as he stood awkwardly near the edge. She tried to ignore him by shifting her attention to the stars.

"Too bad Starfire is already asleep. It's usually me and her stargazing." He said as he looked at the stars. Her eyebrow twitched in irritation.

"You know, you confuse me." She said, hoping that he didn't hear it. He raised his eye brow in confusion.

"Did that kiss mean anything to you? Tell me the truth." She said sternly as she looked him dead straight in the eyes. He felt as if her stare had just carved his heart right out of his chest. He couldn't find any words to say, he was rendered completely immobile under her gaze.

"If you're trying to hurt me then you're doing one hell of a good job." she said, forcing herself not to shed a tear.

"No, Krystal! I'm not trying to hurt you-"

"Then why would you kiss me if you're with Starfire??" she cut him off. He clenched his fists and tried to calm down his nerves.

"You don't understand! I love you!" He said unconsciously. She was shocked, he even shocked himself.

"Is this some sort of game to you?? If it is, then I want no part of it." She said firmly before running back inside. Robin didn't know if he should chase after her or not. Because if he did, that would mean that he values her more that Starfire, and if he didn't that meant he valued Starfire more than her.

But the truth was? He couldn't pick from either. He loved them both. He couldn't choose. Pissed off, he took a seat near the edge and watched the stars while he tried to clear his mind.

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