Chapter 10: The Trouble...

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(A/N: Just a little heads up guys this chapter has a bit of mature content so if you don't want to read it that's fine too, you'll still get the story without reading this chapter but you can get that added depth later on in the story if ever you decide to read this chapter. And please don't hate me because of this XD lol, I'm just trying to write a story so plz don't report me or somthing like that hehehe alrighty thanks for reading this author's note, ON TO THE STORY!!!)

Author's P.O.V

A lone girl walks down a dimly lit street as she shivers in the cold and her snot practically freezes over. Her tears temporarily gives her cheeks the much needed warmth but quickly backfires as the cold breeze kisses the trail of water that the tear leaves behind. She was practically lost at this point. With the Teen Titans' tower still in sight, no matter which turn she took, she kept ending up at a dead end. She thought that she knew the city from the back of her hand but it turned out, without Slade giving her directions, she's completely useless. But that was nothing compared to the guilt, shame and remorse that she felt immediately after beating the jewel thief to a pulp. She continued to wander aimlessly on the streets as she ponders if the Teen Titans will have her back or not.


"I'm gonna go out and look for her." Robin said, walking out the door.

"Dude, what's his deal?" Beast Boy asked Cyborg.

"I dunno man but whatever it is, it must be somthin' he wants to keep to himself." Cyborg replied, focusing on the game that they were playing. Starfire gazed worriedly at Robin as he walked out the door, debating with herself whether she would offer to accompany him or to leave him be.

*~Back to Krystal~*

She gave up.

She couldn't find her way back home, any home for that matter. She tried returning to Slade's old hide out but she found it already desolate and empty. The Teen Titans' tower was well within sight but she didn't know which turn to take so she wandered into the streets alone at night. And once she had given up all hope of ever finding a place to go home to, she sat down in a dark alley next to a steam pipe, trying to stay warm. She hugged her knees and sobbed quietly, desperately waiting for someone to come and save her.

*clink, clink, clink*

There was a sound of metal plated shoes tapping against the pavement, getting closer and closer. But the only person she knows that wears metal plated shoes is Robin, so she began to ponder whether she'll need his help or not. But her pride and hate took over her rational thinking and decided that she would rather freeze to death than get his help.

"Go away Robin, I don't need your help." she said arrogantly without raising her head to look at him. The clinking stopped in front of her.

"Didn't I tell you to-" she was cut off to see that it actually wasn't Robin that she was talking to. A man roughly grabbed her by her arms and slammed her against the cold brick wall.

"So you're the little brat that beat my brother senselessly without mercy and sent him straight to jail." he said in a low mellow tone. Men behind him began to sneer and bring out their weapons, preparing to do the same or probably much worse to her. He examined her from head to toe, bringing a smirk to his face.

"You know, you're not at all that ugly. Instead of beating you to a pulp, why don't you let me and my boys have fun with you instead?" He said greedily. She was about to attack him with a kick but he threw her onto the ground and his men quickly put hand cuffs on her wrists and ankles and stuffed her mouth with a gag. She struggled and tried to get away, thrashing around and hitting a few of them. But the man forcefully grabbed her chin and made her inhale a strong and strange smelling substance. It made her feel light headed and her body go numb. She fell face first onto the floor then he picked her up and made her bend over, with her face against the wall this time. He and his men chuckled menacingly as he groped her butt. Krystal's heart was beating rapidly and her pupils were constricted from fear.

'I'm gonna... Be raped...?' She thought to herself. She tried to summon that final burst of tremendous strength but no matter how much her brain screamed at her limbs to move, they have been paralyzed by the drugs that she inhaled earlier. His men took delight in her muffled cries as he began lifting up her dress and touching her most precious private parts. She screamed and cried as loud as she can but they only came out muffled, failing to alert anyone within the area. She felt him stop but then it was followed by the sound of a zipper being unzipped. She thrashed around some more and screamed and cried a lot more but one guy just slapped her right across the cheek. The men behind him laughed and took joy in her misery. She cried harder that she's ever cried before. She felt heat nudge against her entrance and her hands shook furiously. Then...

"Let her go."

The men were being knocked out one by one and the man that was about to rape Krystal took the harshest beating of them all. She fell to the ground with a thud as she continued to cry, fearing that someone else has come to rape her as well. The mysterious person pulled up her underwear and fixed up her dress. He lay her down in a comfortable position and tried to make her open her eyes.

"Krystal... Krystal!" He called out. She squinted due to the street light shining in her eyes as she tried to make out who was her miraculous savior.

"..." She spoke weakly. His grip on her slightly tightened.

"Yes, it's me Robin. You're safe now." He said to her comfortingly. She summoned her remaining strength and wrapped her arms around him.

"Thank you." She whispered into his ear before passing out. He hugged her back then wrapped a blanket around her as he lay her back down on the ground.

"Slade! Get away from Krystal!!" Robin shouted angrily.

"Hush your barking, my pet. She has just fallen unconscious." Slade replied as he stood up to face him.

"What on earth happened here?" Robin asked dumbfounded to see the numerous men unconscious on the ground.

"She was about to be raped. You saved her." He said, emotionless. He stepped over her and began to walk away.

"Take care of her, Robin. She's your problem now." He said before disappearing into the darkness. He snapped out of his confusion and brought her back to the Titans' tower.

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