Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Kyler's POV

My eighteenth birthday was approaching fast and the whole Alpha thing was kicking in. Slowly but surely I found myself drifting away from my friends and the carefree party lifestyle. I was required at more pack meetings that happened more frequently since we were now technically harboring a man wanted by the Grand Council of Wolves.

They weren't someone to fool around with, that was for sure.

They practically ran the whole werewolf world. Most respected, powerful and royally annoying. One wrong move and you're dead. You'd get automatically removed from your pack, taken into their headquarters and turned into a slave.

They were after Dalton Kane but I didn't see why. What made him so special? Yeah, he was insanely gorgeous and drool-worthy but I don't think the Grand Council were after his looks. An exiled Alpha may just be the reason they wanted him but either way they weren't going to get their paws on him.

Kane, as we called him, had been living in our pack for three weeks now without any trouble. My father was convinced that there was something different about him and refused to turn him over to the Council. He made us all swear to secrecy and we complied. Kane lived in a small guest room in the bungalow. He wasn't granted much freedom and what he could do everyday was limited. Sometimes he helped out in the sickbay, since he seemed to like it there.

I had spoken to him once or twice but all he gave me were one-worded answers and curt nods.

Something told me he didn't like me.

"Hey Kyler! I just asked if you would like to come for dinner with us. We're heading out to the diner and hopefully catch the sunset before coming home," Kelsey broke me out of my trance-like state by snapping her fingers sharply. "I told you guys already, Kels, I won't be able to hang out for a while... not when everything's so crazy," I explained calmly as she fake pouted. "That's not a fun lifestyle for an Alpha, you've detached yourself from us! It's like you became a whole new person- and that's not a good thing!"

I sighed, shaking my head, "sorry Kels, that's the way it is. I promise once I'm Alpha and the whole situation has cooled down I'll still be the ol' Kyle you guys grown up with!" I offered her a small smile and she nodded, still sort of let down but she skipped off to join her brother and my other friends for dinner.

Upon reaching my father's study, the door swung open and there stood a face I haven't seen in a few months.

Aleksander McCray- Alix's older brother. He stood a foot taller than me in a plaid shirt and torn black jeans. His dark hair was styled quite neatly and those sapphire blue eyes glinted with amusement. I took a step back, taking it all in before he tackled me into a bear hug.

"Hey Alpha, how was things when I was away?" he smirked, ruffling my hair. I heard muffled laughter in the background.

Aleks was that older brother that I never had while I was growing up. He taught me some stuff, like building forts, tree houses and how to handle 'the ladies'. That never went well, now that I think about it.

He had been away for a few months to complete his training and seek out a mate in order to officially become my Beta, one who would lead the pack alongside me.

"Hey... the pack's been fine..." I started awkwardly, not really knowing what I was supposed to do having not seen him for so long. Aleks seemed to sense my discomfort and laughed, walking back to stand next to his own father, the retired Beta. "I'm still the same guy, Kyle, why so scared?"

"I'm not... scared! Hey!" I shot back and the conversation was ended there and then by my father, who cleared his throat, indicating that he had brought us all here for a reason.

"Alright, I've briefed Aleksander here on our pack since he left and the pack leaders and elders have come to the decision that he deserves the position of the Beta. The ceremony will take place tomorrow at dusk and he would serve under me until your eighteenth birthday comes and you find your mate."

I nodded at that but something still bugged me. "Who's his mate?" I asked. Since he was ready to become Beta, he should have found his mate already.

At that, Aleks shot me wink and pushed off from the wall. "You'll get to meet my mate soon, Kyler. Now if you all may excuse me, I have some pack members to speak to."

My father nodded and Andy, Aleks' father and our current Beta, followed his son out of the room.

"Kyler. Your birthday is coming up. In three days to be exact. I know so far the Alpha life hasn't been turning out well for you but remember, once everything blows over you'll have as much freedom as you want. You call the shots, everyone obeys you. It's all good. Just hang in there for a sec, eh son?" he stood up from his seat and made .his way over to me, standing just slightly taller than me, he had the same dirty blonde hair- now streaked with white and grey- and matching green eyes, he slapped me on the back none too gently and exited the room.

Was I supposed to be happy about being Alpha? Or sad? I was indecisive, careless and seriously unorganized. Running a pack may be slightly difficult.

"You'll have your mate and the support of others," my wolf reminded me quietly.

Then there was the trouble of finding a mate. Alphas needed to produce offspring to run the pack in the future. How was I supposed to do that? No clue.


I knew how crucial it was for the Parks to maintain their Alpha title. We had been Alphas since the dawn of time. Right from the start. No one had succeeded in stripping that away from us. Not yet, that is.

And now they just may.

Fantastic, more problems to burden myself with.

I need a nap.

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