Chapter 4

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Summer holidays was in a week time. I couldn't wait to just stay at home without anyone around me. I walked along the corridors of lockers until I saw mine, with a poster saying to back off. I tore it away from my locker, wiping a tear that fell away and took the books that I needed. I groaned in frustration, finding all the ridiculous notes from my haters.

"Hey there, flower," and that would be Fred's voice.

I turned to my right to see him holding his Chemistry books, his blonde hair neatly combed which made him even more attractive. He dressed casually in a green T-shirt that said "Go Green" and torn jeans. He was like a dream guy. But I was furious.

"What are you doing here?" I had Chemistry class later too. Was he going to follow me?

"I did say, see you tomorrow, didn't I?" he winked at me, cheerfully, "I transferred here."

My jaw fell and I turned away, contemplating to run. But where was I suppose to go even if I did? I closed my locker, still staring at it, avoiding locking eyes with him.

"Why?" I said, in the most disgusting tone I could find in me.

"Well, I wanted to."

I rolled my eyes, but then I realised he couldn't see it.

"Why, Fred? Do you not understand that I want to be alone?" I sighed at him.

Suddenly a group of girls I used to be friends with were giggling and laughing while they passed by Fred and I. They immediately stopped and the leader of the group, Amanda spoke,

"Is he your new boyfriend, Myra? What happened to your other one? Tired of being a second choice?"

The other girls laughed and chuckled with her joke.

"But a guy like him," she came closer to Fred and put her index finger on his chest, moving it down in between his chest, "you're probably his second choice too," and she stared him in the eyes, flirtatiously.

"Hey darling," he smiled sarcastically and I got ready for his sarcastic comments to her, "Mind backing off me? I could see black stains on your teeth like you just had oil for breakfast," and then he came closer to her ear to whisper to her, "and you smell like beef," a little bit too loud for me to hear.

I managed a giggle as I watched Amanda's face turn into disgust. Fred was still smiling at her, waiting for her to walk away from the both of us. She glanced at him then to me then back to him.

"Loser," she rolled her eyes and the other girls were silent, following her towards the cafeteria at the end of the corridor.

Once she was gone, Fred looked back at me, "Those girls were your friends?" he laughed out loud, "No wonder you wanted to avoid everybody."

I just stared at him blankly. Sure, they were mean to me now, but they weren't before. My fringe covered my left eye but I could still see him staring at me and grinning.

"Oh Myra," he came closer and pushed my fringe and placed it behind my ear.

I didn't say anything, being my scared, self conscious self, I was looking down now at my black and white sneakers, lifting them up and down from my heels to my toes.

"Well, aren't you going to show me around before Chemistry?" he spoke, this time with a very soft, and soothing voice. I looked up to him and smirked while I made it clear that my eyes were rolling.

I showed him around the school. I could see people staring at me, and looked at Fred like a stranger. They were going to hate Fred too, and it was because of me. I tried to ignore them, but I couldn't help feeling shyer at every extra eye on us.

"These people are freaks," Fred spoke as he decided to comment on everyone staring at our direction.

"They aren't. I am," I mumbled.

It was true anyway. There was nothing wrong with them. They were just reacting normally to what they heard about me. Or was it just me being selfless? Everyone was miserable because of everything I did.

"Why do you look down on yourself so much, Myra? Do they know you? They don't. They are wrong for judging you before knowing you," he said, being actually mad. But not at me.

I sighed. Now he's miserable.

The bell rang, and it was time for Chemistry.

"Cheer up, flower. Come, where's our class?" he grabbed my arm and wrapped it around his like usual and I walked that way all the way to class.


I was normally sitting alone in class but this time, Fred was my lab partner. Mrs. Joe was glad to introduce a new student. People gave us a disgust look but it didn't last long because we focused on Mrs. Joe.

Besides being a great actor, and a footballer, he was exceptionally smart. He scored his exams with flying colours and was excellent in his co-curricular activities. Sometimes I think Fred was too good to be my friend. But then again, his parents had high expectations from him. I still didn't understand how couldn't he feel stressed or out of shape with all that pressure on him. Did he even felt sad, for once?

I wouldn't call myself 'smart' but I was average in my studies. I was in the singing club and volleyball club but I quit them all.

All for the same reason.

Fred was answering most of Mrs. Joe questions and I could see her eyes blink in fascination.

"Brilliant," we all could hear her murmured.

I turned to him and gasped at him.

"How do you know all this?" I squished my forehead in confusion. How did he know? I tried to remember his history.

"My dad's a scientist," he reminded me. Ah, yes. His dad. Mr. Jansen. Specialised in researches on chemicals.

No wonder...

"I forgot," and I looked at Mrs. Joe smiling at our direction. She winked at me, but I didn't understand what that meant. But after awhile, I understood; I was never fond of Chemistry.

"Hey, Fred?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he smiled.

"Mind if you could tutor me?" I asked, shyly.

He laughed softly and nodded, "Thought you'd never ask," he winked at me and gave a cheeky smile.

He was up to something but I couldn't quite understand what it was yet. And a part of me wanted to back off and stay away from him as much as possible, for the same reason again. But my curiosity was defeating the purpose. I was curious to find out what he was planning to do with me.

He brought me out for lunch, watched a movie with him, and stayed for dinner? And now he transferred to the same school as I? It was either he was being stubborn and trying to make me think I couldn't control him, or he was really up to something. No matter how much I did know him, I couldn't quite figure this out.


A/N: I hope this is okay! Love you guys. Give me feedbacks! Vote/Share if you liked this chapter :*

Dins x

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