The brunette

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The brunette with dead eyes
Her fake smile a mere disguise
Her silent cries a clear sign
That something within her had surely died
The brunette girl who society shames
"The fat one" is her only name
Starving herself to control what she gains
The normal girl has now gone insane
The brunette with a soul that is dead
"Surely depressed" someone said
She draws her feelings out in lead
And makes them real by bleeding red
The brunette who has showers that sting
For her wrists tell the truth
Of the lies she sings
And her mind is taken over
By the pain that is burning
And her wrists glow red
From the lines from cutting
The brunette has now given up
Because living this life is just too tough
She grabs her life by a rope hung rough
And kills herself in an act of self love

The dark abyss that is my mind: part oneWhere stories live. Discover now