"I miss you more everyday," I say as I pull blades of grass through my fingers. I'm sitting in front of a headstone I thought I would never see. Hoped I would never see. I have come here every day since we laid her to rest. I don't sleep. I don't eat. I don't go to class, which is something Memaw isn't too happy about. My life is in an upheaval. I can't function . I've shut everyone out. I don't talk to anyone. Not my girls. Not Matt. I haven't talked to my "parents" in years, so that's nothing new. The only person I talk to is Memaw, and that's because she doesn't give me an option .
"I don't know how to live my life without you. I need you here." A light breeze picks up a little, tickling the back of my neck. It's mid-September, so generally the air is still pretty warm, but the breeze chilled me. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. I guess Mother Nature is being her normal bi-polar self. This is the Midwest, I tell myself. Sweats and heaters in the morning; shorts and air conditioning in the afternoon.
I put my hands, which finally healed about a week ago, down to push myself from my seated position. My knees and shins, on the other hand, didn't fare as well. They didn't get all the gravel out the first time and they ended up infected. I'm currently taking a strong round of antibiotics to battle the infection.
"Well, Kriss," I say as I dust my hands off on my shorts, "Memaw says I have to get on with life. You know how she is. She says I've wallowed in my grief long enough." Tears prickle at the back of my eyelids and I hitch in a breath. "She said I'm being selfish. I guess that's true, but I just miss you so damn much. It's like half of me is missing. I don't know about what comes after, but if you're listening, just know that I love you and miss you." I kiss my fingers and touch her headstone. I take out my keys, as the breeze picks up again, and make my way to the car to head home.
Well, fuck my life... or afterlife. Hmm. FMA just doesn't have to same oomph to it. Anyway, focus Kriss! I have got to help my girl out. She can't be allowed to keep doing this to herself. Watching her wallow like that hurts. Although, I'm not so sure I wouldn't be the same if the situation were reversed. I've got to help her. She has three hearts to win. It's going to get much tougher before it gets better. She can't see me just yet, but I'll keep watching over her. Soon I can let her know...
I pull into Memaw's driveway and shut the car off. I unbuckle, but just sit there staring at the steering wheel, not really thinking, just zoned out. I don't know how long I was sitting there, before a knock on my window causes my heart to jump into my throat. I gasp in a breath as my right hand flies to my chest in an attempt to keep my heart where it belongs.
Eyes wide, I look into a pair of gray eyes, that are bright with mirth. "You scared the ever loving crap out of me, Memaw!" Her shoulders are shaking with laughter as I open up my door and grab my purse. Her normally gray, curly hair is covered in a green head scarf. "Cleaning out the attic again?"
"Yes, Peanut, I am." She has called me Peanut my whole life, despite the fact that I've always been tall. "Come inside. I have soup and sandwiches waiting." Well that holds no appeal, but I follow her inside her ranch style home, dropping my purse and keys on the little table just inside the door.
A delicious smells assaults my nose. Oh God! She made homemade chicken dumplings. Maybe I can eat. She's going to force me anyway. Make stomach makes itself know, letting out a huge rumble.
Memaw turns and looks at me as we make our way into the kitchen. Wood cabinets, painted a light green, and modern appliances decorate the space. "Hungry?"
"I guess so," I say sheepishly, knowing the only time I've eaten in the last thirty days has been when she's forced me to.
"Sit, Peanut, I'll serve." As I take a seat at the kitchen table, she turns to the stove with a bowl and ladle already in hand. She fills the bowl to the brim and brings it to me, along with a large ham and cheese sandwich. "Eat."
I give her a small smile and dig in, "Yes, ma'am." As soon as I put the first spoonful of soup in my mouth, I couldn't stop. Every bite was better than the last, and before I knew it, the soup was gone and I was digging into the sandwich. Black forest ham, gruyere cheese, and a generous helping of dijon mustard. She even brings me a big glass of sweet tea to finish off the meal.
"Thanks, Memaw, I don't think I've eaten this much all month."
"I know you havent, Peanut. That's why I made your favorite comfort food," she says as she ghosts her hand over my forehead. "I know you're hurting, sweetheart, but you really have to start taking better care of yourself. Not eating, not sleeping, keeping those closest to you away just isn't healthy. You've lost weight, your skin is sallow, and," she sniffs the air, "Maybe take a shower more than once a week."
"I was kidding about that last one," she winks at me, "but I'm serious about the rest. Cara, Belle, and Matt all lost a best friend, too. And with you shutting down, it's like they lost two. They are hurting every bit as much as you." My eyes fill up with my never-ending supply of tears at her words. I'm seriously the worst friend in the world.
I feel her slight arms wrap around me. Laying my head on her shoulder, she just holds me as I cry my grief. This time the grief is for my other friends. Matt and Cara are both sensitive people, and I know they would have turned to each other. Belle is a bottler. The one who has to stay strong for others until she just can't hold everyone up any more and collapses from the weight. I finally pull myself together, and with a few last sniffles, lift my head.
"I'm going to text them and see if they want to come by my place tonight for dinner."
"That's my girl."
As I'm typing a group text, I feel a cool breeze on my neck. Weird, I think, Memaw doesn't have the windows open. Hmm. Must have been the ceiling fan.
A/N: Hey all. So this has not been beta read, but I did go through and do some editing before posting it up.
Thanks for reading. 😘

Hunter Academy - Book 1
FanfictionJessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with her friends before senior year starts, they are assaulted on their way back to their car, with tragic results. After the death of her best f...