A/N: Get something to drink and find your comfy spot. This update is nearly 3 times as long as a normal one. I hope you enjoy.
I slowly open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I'm still sandwiched between Sam and Leo, and I'm sweating form the combined heat. I couldn't give two shits less, though. I'm comfortable snuggled between them. The dreams I had... good Lord almighty... believe me when I say that I'm waking up seriously frustrated, but I'm so happy I could actually dream for a change that I don't care. I snuggle into Sam who pulls me a little closer.
"We're going to have a relaxing day today, Baby Girl." He says quietly against the top of my head, then places a soft kiss to my hair. I glance up at him, and he has a soft look in his eyes. I lean up and place a kiss to his cheek.
"Sounds like a good day to me." I answer back just as softly.
I slowly extricate myself from in between the two hulking figures. I need the bathroom something fierce. I pad quietly across the living room, and make my way to the large bathroom nestled between the three bedrooms. It's the only "public" bathroom, as all three bedrooms have en suites.
I finish up my business, and while I'm washing my hands i get a good look at myself in the mirror. Gone are the ever present dark circles under my eyes. I actually look rested. My hair is disheveled, but a little water and some finger combing get it back in order. I look through the cabinets, hoping to find a new toothbrush and some toothpaste. Score! I grab my prize and break it out of its packaging. I apply some toothpaste and set to brushing my teeth. When I'm done, I rinse out the brush and set it in the little cup off to the side. I rinse my mouth and wipe my lips on a hand towel.
I open the door and jump a little when I see Dane leaning against the door frame.
"You scared the crap out of me." I tell him, swatting his chest.
"Do we need to revisit Cas's poop conversation from yesterday?" He asks me with a sly grin.
"Nope. Not at all. That was all the poop talk I need for the next seven years." He gives a little laugh then pulls me in for a hug. I go willingly into his arms, and wrap my own around him. I set my cheek against his chest and snuggle in a little bit. He smells so good, fresh from a shower. I tell him so.
"Do you want to take a shower? You're more than welcome to use one of ours, or this one if you want to."
"The offer sounds amazing, but I don't have any clean clothes to change into." He rubs up and down my back, and it's very nice. I give him a little squeeze and pull back.
"I can loan you some clothes if you want. They would be a bit big on you, but they would do until we get you home." I consider his offer. We're all still new to each other, but I feel really close to them already.
"Alright. Follow me." He leads me to what I assume is his bedroom. I walk through the door, and what I see is not at all what I was expecting.
I'm not really sure what I was actually expecting, but everything in here is light colored. Soft greys and blues, litter every soft surface. the furniture is a light tan color. I guess i expected hard lines and dark colors. He walks over to a dresser and pulls out a pair of boxers, some sweat pants, and a T-shirt. he hands them to me, then leads me to his en suite. It's still a little damp from his shower, and I welcome the warmth.
I put the clothes on the counter and turn to Dane. He's leaning against the counter, his arms crossed across his chest, regarding me. There's a look in his eyes i can't discern. i walk up to him and place a hand to his cheek.

Hunter Academy - Book 1
FanfictionJessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with her friends before senior year starts, they are assaulted on their way back to their car, with tragic results. After the death of her best f...