After the movie, Matt, Belle, and Cara get ready to leave. I hug the girls, and kiss Matt on the cheek.
"You going to be okay?" he asks me, pulling his Mizzou hoodie over his head.
"I'll be fine. I'm just going to curl up in bed and read for awhile. I don't have anything to do tomorrow." He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my forehead.
"I love you, girl, but if you ever pull a disappearing act like that again, it won't just be Belle yelling at you."
"I know. I really am sorry."
"I know you are sweet cheeks. Talk to you tomorrow."
"Bye guys," I tell them as I shut the door behind them and lock up for the night. I head to my bedroom. Walking to my dresser I grab some panties, a pair of PINK sleep shorts, and a tank top. I walk into my ensuite bathroom, and decide I want a bath instead, and start running the water.
Mmmm. The bathroom, or more specifically the bathtub, is the reason I signed the lease on this place to begin with. The trust my grandparents set up for me, meant I could pretty much live where I wanted. This bathtub had me offereing ten thousand more than the asking price just to make sure nobody could buy it out from under me. It's a huge antique clawfoot tub, that can easily fit four. I can practically swim in it.
Once the water is nice and hot I pour in some lavendar bubble bath. I go back to my bedroom and grab my Kindle, then head back and strip out of my clothes, dropping them into the hamper. Being sure not to drop my Kindle in the water, I lower myself in and lean back. I bring up Legon Awakening by Nicholas Taylor.
After losing myself in the land of dragons and elves for about an hour, my water is now cold, and the bubbles have dissipated. I place my Kindle on the toilet seat lid and run the hot water for a minute to warm the bath back up. I quickly wash my hair and body, then shave.
I pull the plug and get out, quickly drying myself, and put my sleep clothes on. I pad my way to my bed room. I shut off the light and climb under the covers, snuggling into my pillow, and was out before I knew it.
I wake up with the need to pee. I climb out of bed , walk to the bathroom and switch on the light. I do my business and turn to the sink to wash my hands. As I glance up in the mirror, I scream, my hands coming up to rest on my chest. Behind me in the mirror is a face. It's a beautiful face, but instead of normal grey shadows lining the face, her's are tinted blood red. I quickly turn around. There's nobody there. I turn back around and it's just me in the mirror. I shake it off. I walk back into the bedroom when everything goes hazy, tinged in red. I glance around the rooom. What the fuck is happening?!? My eyes scan across the dresser mirror, and that face is behind me again. I turn around to see who it is, but it suddently blows through me, leaving me cold. "I'm coming..."
I sit straight up in bed and flip on the light, looking around me, my eyes wide open in fright, terrified to look in the dresser mirror. My eyes finally land on it and relief floods through me when I don't see anything but my tired reflection.
I never have nightmares. Horror movies don't scare me. Never have. Maybe it's just the stress. I glance at the clock. It's only 5 a.m. I turn the light off and lie back down to get a few more hours of sleep. Hopefully it's dreamless.
I yawn, stretching to wake my body up. I rub my hand over my face and sit up, glancing at the clock. Wow. It's almost noon. I can't remember the last time I got this much sleep. I throw off the blankets and walk over to the closet when my phone beeps with an incoming text. I abandon my plan to get dressed, and walk over to my phone, sitting on the edge of my bed as I enter the pin.

Hunter Academy - Book 1
FanfictionJessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with her friends before senior year starts, they are assaulted on their way back to their car, with tragic results. After the death of her best f...