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I wake up to my alarm going off. It's nice to sleep through the night. There's a text message from Dane waiting for me.

Pretty Boy: We'll be leaving around 11 today if you're still up for the road trip.

Yay!! More answers!

Me: Of course I am. I'll be ready when you get here.

I have about two hours before they guys get here. I'm excited about finding out more answers to our little mystery, but I'm super nervous about being near all three guys at once, for several hours. It's a four hour drive to Wichita. I guess we could all get to know each other better. I'm not sure what it is about all three of them, but there is something drawing me into them. I am undeniably attracted to all three. I am going to have to evaluate this once this whole demon thing is over. I shake myself from my thoughts. I need to eat, then get ready to go. As I'm fixing myself a quick breakfast sandwich, my phone chimes.

Pretty Boy: Great! We'll see you then.

I lay my phone down and finish my sandwich, washing it down with the last of my coffee. I head to my bathroom and take a shower. After showering, I get dressed. I put on a pair of light colored jeans and an oversized sweater that hangs off one shoulder. I pull on a black pair of calf high, no heel boots. I make my way to the living room with about thirty minutes to spare. I make myself comfy and pull up my DVR. Might as well watch something while I wait.

Thirty minutes later, I'm watching Jeff Mauro make his latest sandwich creation, when the doorbell rings. I go to the entercom.

"Hello?" It's probably the guys, but god forbid it's Mother just randomly showing up on my doorstep.

"Hey, Snow! It's us."

"Okay! I'll be down in a minute." I turn the television off and grab my things, making sure my wallet, keys and cell phone are in my purse. I lock the door behind me, and take the elevator down. I'm crossing the lobby when I feel a chill and look up. There's Pretty Boy in all his glory, leaning against the counter, talking to the doorman. He turns at the same time I notice him and I am rewarded with a giant smile on his face. I walk over to him. "You ready to go?" He nods his head. "Alright then. Thanks, Gus!" I wave at him.

"See you later, Miss Matthews." I roll my eyes. No matter how many times I try to get him to call me by my first name, he just won't do it. Dane places his hand on my lower back, which sends shock waves across my skin, as he guides us out the door. Once we're outside, he removes his hand, leaving me feeling bereft of his touch. I barely even know him, but I'm already addicted to him. I've never in my life reacted like this to any other man, yet here I am reacting to three. There's something wrong with me.

"I really wish he would call me by my first name," I lament.

"It's respect." Dane says simply.

"I guess you're right. I just hate being called Miss Matthews. It makes me feel like I'm in trouble." Dane laughs with me. The sound is masculine, and is music to my ears. We walk to a black Jeep, and Sam is sitting in the driver's seat. Dane opens up the passenger door and motions for me to get in. I shake my head. "No way, my friend, am I taking up all that leg space that Sparta obviously needs." I turn my head toward the backseat, "Get your large self up in this front seat, I'll sit in the back with Pretty Boy here." I open up the back door and motion with my hands that he should get out. He is laughing at me, and I watch, fascinated, as his eyes turn from green to blue. Sam is chuckling in the front, his dark eyes shining with mirth.

"You might as well get up here, man, she doesn't look like she's going to give in, "Sam says, his deep voice washing over me. I barely suppress a shiver. What is it with these guys? Why do I react this way with all of them. If someone asked me right now who I liked more, I wouldn't be able to give them an answer. Leo just shakes his head and changes seats. He was obviously scrunched back there. I shake my head. Silly boys trying to be all courteous. Not that I don't love for guys to be all 'Southern Gentleman,' but you don't have to put yourself into an uncomfortable position for me. "We were just trying to be polite, Baby Girl." I arch an eyebrow at the nickname, and he arches one right back. Yeah, we'll see how you like the nickname Chocolate Thunder.

Hunter Academy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now