I think I figured out a way to get the African Dream Root, but it means I have to get someone over in Europe to do something that could get them into trouble. I grab my laptop and sit at the dining table. I pull up messenger, and type in a name of someone who I know lives in England.
Me: Hey. You on?
I know there’s a time difference, so I peruse through Facebook for a little while. I decide to do a little snooping on a certain trio of guys that I haven’t thought about at all. Nope. I sigh. The denial is real in this one. I pull up Dane’s page. I sit and stare at his profile picture. It’s of all three of them. Leo is standing in the middle and Sam and Dane are on either side of him. They are all laughing, their eyes bright with mirth. I search through their individual pages. I don’t really know what I’m looking for. It’s not like there is going to be some kind of clue about our strange case on their profiles. After about forty-five minutes, Messenger chimed.
Charlotte Jessica: Hi!
Me: Hi. I have a tremendous favor to ask of you.
Charlotte Jessica: OK. What is it?
Me: There’s an herb I need, but they won’t ship to the US. I was wondering if there was any way possible you would buy it and ship it to me? I would pay for all of it.
Charlotte Jessica: It’s not drugs it it?
Me: NO! Not drugs. It’s called Silene undulata. It’s also called African Dream Root.
Charlotte Jessica: Oh OK. Sure. Why not? LOL. Just send me the information on where I can buy it and your address.
I send her all the information and give her a giant thank you. I get up and get the piece of paper with Miss Missouri Moseley’s phone number written on it. I don’t really want to make this phone call, but with everything else going on, I kind of need to. I’ve been thinking a lot this week about everything the guys told me. I have a feeling they are holding something back, but I can’t even begin to tell you what it might be. Guess it’s time to suck it up and call some stranger I’ve never met. I dial the number before I lose my nerve. After a couple of rings a sweet voice answers the phone.
“Well, it’s about time you called me, Sugar!” Huh?
“Wha..?” Is about all I can stammer out.
“I know you’ve been hedging, Jessica.” She sounded almost reproachful. Wait. How did she know my name?
“How do you know my name? Did one of the guys tell you?”
“No. I have caller ID.” I can hear it in her voice that her face is deadpanned. “No, but seriously I’ve been having visions of you for quite some time, Honey.”
“I don’t believe in psychics.” I tell her.
“Pssht, Honey, I don’t need you to believe to make it real. I’m not a fairy.” She tells me. “Ask me what you want to know.”
“Is what Dane told me true? Am I going to be with all three of them?” Not like I’m going to believe what she says anyway.
“Why would you ask me that when you aren’t going to believe me anyway.” What the hell? “Ask me what you really want to.”
“Fine. Tell me something about me that nobody would ever know.”
“That a girl! When you were a child, you were sick…”
“Lot’s of children get sick.” I interrupt her.
“No, Honey, you were really sick. On your deathbed sick.” My heart drops. If she’s about to say what I think she might say, there are only 4 people who know about it, and one of them is dead. “You needed a kidney. And lots of people were tested, but only one was a match. Your best friend, Kriss.”
“Stop. I believe you.” My heart constricts thinking about her. She literally saved my life. We handled it as an anonymous donation because she didn’t want people to think she was a hero. She may have a been a very vocal force on this Earth, but she was very humble. She had a big heart.
“Then I guess what you told the guys about the four of us is also true. How do we go about doing something like that. It’s not normal. We don’t live in a society that would accept that.”
“Honey, listen. You won’t need to worry about society. Worry about yourself, and those three boys. How you get there doesn’t matter, but get there, you will. Now there’s another thing I wanted to tell you. Those boys of yours are keeping something from you. It’s an ancient prophecy.”
“Prophecy? They exist?”
“Didn’t those boys tell you anything I told them?
“Just the basics I’m starting to think.” I’m pretty damned sure I’m going to be angry at them after she tells me whatever she’s going to tell me.
“I think so, too. Well, take what I’m about to tell you and yell at them for it. It’s going to be one epic fight.” She let’s out a little giggle, and I smile to myself. “So there’s a prophecy out the about you and that demon ya’ll are going to fight. Only, they won’t be fighting it with you. You’ll do it alone.”
“I’m not going to be fighting some demon. I’m trying to avoid a confrontation. She nearly killed me in a dream.”
“Honey, right now, that’s the only place she can hurt you. Keep taking that mixture the boys gave you, and you’ll be alright. You want to hear the prophecy?”
“Yes, but let me grab a pen so I can write it down.” I grab an envelope lying there and dig through my purse for a pen. Successful, I settle back. “Alright, go for it.”
“To kill fear, the fair and strong, with a heart on her sleeve, must take the white way.” I scribble along as she speaks, and I repeat it back to her when I’m finished. I can’t believe the guys kept this from me.
“What does that mean?”
“You’re the one with a heart shaped birthmark on your arm, you tell me. The visions surrounding your encounters with the demons are fuzzy. I don’t get all the details. It’s quite frustrating, actually. That’s never happened before.” I let out a breath. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with this information.
“Well, thank you, Miss Moseley, I really appreciate you taking time out of your day to talk to me. Can I call you again sometime, if I have more questions?”
“Sure you can. I expect those three handsome devils will keep trying to keep things from you. I’ll be your personal tattle tale.” She giggles. It’s such a sweet sound. I laugh and thank her again, then hang up.
I already had a lot to think about, now there’s a prophecy thrown into the mix. I don’t even begin to know how to process all of this. And the prophecy. “The white way” sounds so familiar. Gah. I’ll figure it out another time. My brain is fried and I need a nap. Mixture then couch. I’ll think about all of it later.

Hunter Academy - Book 1
ФанфикJessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with her friends before senior year starts, they are assaulted on their way back to their car, with tragic results. After the death of her best f...