Kriss is my guardian angel. I'm stunned. Wow. I always knew she was special, beyond this world even, but this news is great. I sit back on the guys' couch with a cup of coffee in my hands. My legs are tucked under me, warming my cold feet. I have a throw blanket that smells like Sam thrown around my shoulders.
"So what's the plan here? We can't just go in blind. Obviously, something changed when you drank the ADR. You were stronger and able to go toe to toe with her, but weren't able to beat her. We need to come up with a plan to end her for good." Leo says from his seat to my left, his hazel eyes bouncing from person to person.
"Well, we obviously need to come up with a weapon that can kill an old one, because I don't think we'll be able to beat her without one." Dane answers.
"I got nothing." I say with a shrug of my shoulders. "I'm out of my element with this."
"I might know of something." Castiel says, then he's gone. I jump a little at the suddenness of it.
"You get used to that. He literally pops in and out at a moments notice. SOmetimes he pops in to literally say two words, then bam, gone." Sam explains.
"So let's be clear, just so I understand. We all drink the ADR, then go battle one of the original demons in dreamland, with some kind of weapon that Cas just popped out to get. that's the plan, right?" I ask.
"Yup. Pretty much." Dane replies.
"Okay then. What are we going to do while we wait for Cas to get back?" I ask as I set my coffee cup on the table in front of me. I misjudge the distance and end up slamming it down, and wince at the loud noise. "Sorry."
"What do you want to do?" Sam asks, pulling one of my feet out from under me and starts a gentle massage of the arch of my foot. I close my eyes a moment and enjoy the soft rubbing.
"Well, I could let you do that all day, to start with." I reply, my eyes still closed, as he moves to the heel. He just gives a low chuckle. I'm thoroughly enjoying the foot rub, so I move my other foot and aim it at him. He takes the hint and moves his ministrations to the other one. I stretch out a little and lean against the arm of the couch while he works to relax my feet. "Want to watch a movie to pass the time?"
"Sure." Leo says. he gets up and moves toward the entertainment center. "What would you like to watch? Fair warning, we're guys and almost everything is action or horror."
"I'm good with action and horror. Pick something, I'm sure I'll be okay with whatever you choose." He gives a quick nod and chooses a movie. After putting it into the machine, he comes back over to the couch. I scoot down so he can sit next to me. After he sits, I settle in next to him. He uses the remote and starts the movie up. Sweet. Action hero movies are my favorite.
Leo throws an arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close, and Sam tucks my feet under his arms to keep them warm. Dane gets comfortable in the arm chair, and we all settle to watch the movie. About an hour in, I start to nod off. Leo notices and nudges me to sit up.
"If you're going to fall asleep, let me make you your mixture. We don't need any run ins with what's her name before we're prepared." He gets up and a few minutes later brings me a cup of my mixture. I slam it back and hand the cup back to him. He takes it back to the kitchen and comes right back, settling back on the couch. I lay my head on his shoulder and pull the throw up to my shoulders. I adjust a little before closing my eyes and letting sleep claim me.
She's out like a light after only a few moments. I put an arm around her shoulders and pull her in closer to me. I settle back and continue to watch the movie. I've it a million times, but it's one of my favorites, so I don't mind. Another twenty minute go by and Castiel pops back in.

Hunter Academy - Book 1
FanficJessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with her friends before senior year starts, they are assaulted on their way back to their car, with tragic results. After the death of her best f...