I'm just about to reach for my glass of tea, when both Cara and mine phones go off. Hers with a wolf whistle, and mine saying "Hey! Assbutt!" I pick up my phone and put in the pin to see a group text from Jessie.
Jessie: Dinner and movie @ my place 2nite @ 8? Plz. Memaw lasgna and garlic bread 😉😘
I can't believe her! She thinks she can disappear for a month, then bribe us back with food? Ever since the funeral, she was just gone! Not a single returned text or phone call! If Memaw hadn't kept us informed the bitch was still alive, we would have thought she dropped off the face of the earth. Still kind of wish she would have.
"Hey! Assbutt!" *wolf whistle* I look down at my phone and see Matt has sent a text.
Matt: Of course sweet cheeks! C u @ 8! 😚
Of course he's in. Why wouldn't he be? Always quick to forgive. Just like Cara. I glance over at her. She looks so happy as she types into her phone.
"Hey! Assbutt!" My phone goes off again.
Cara: Belle and I will be there! ❤❤❤
Wait! What?
"Why did you just include me without talking to me about it? I don't want to see her!" Yeah, I have a temper. People assume because Cara has red hair, that she's the fiery twin. Nope. All me. And right now I'm pissed off.
"Because your going," she says as tears form in her eyes. "I wasn't giving you a chance to say something you would regret through a text message. I'm not letting all your bottled up emotions ruin this. I know you. You were getting ready to tell her to fuck off." I cringe. Cara very rarely curses, so that's a clue that she's getting worked up. "We didn't just lose Kriss! We lost Jessie, too! For a month! And, I for one, am not letting another day go by that I'm not hugging her! And neither are you! You're going if I have to drag you by the hair! Hell, I'll get Matt to carry you, but you're going! One way or another!" She's panting now, tears falling down her face. My shoulder slump. I hate seeing her cry, and she's done enough of it recently.
"I'm sorry. You're right." I gather her into a hug. "I'm just so angry at everything right now."
"I know you are," she sniffles, "which is really why you need to go. Tell her. Tell her just how angry you are. She needs to know just how much she hurt us. You don't think she isn't expecting something? She has to know it's coming." She pulls back, wiping the remaining tears from her face.
"Okay. You won't have to drag me. I'll even let her cook the lasagna before I lay into her." Cara giggles a little, standing up from the couch.
"I'm going to take a nap until it's time to go. Love you, sis."
"Love you, too."
"Hey! Assbutt!" I pick up my phone. It's from Jessie. Out of group.
Jessie: Everything ok? You didn't respond.
Me: Not really. It will be tho
Jessie: ok. C u 2nite
If I could jump up and down, while whistling, I would. My girl nutted up and got the rest of our motley crew to come over for dinner. I watch as she prepares Memaw's lasagna. I'm really jealous of people with noses right now, because I know just how amazing that meat sauce smells. Every once in awhile I blow a little breeze through the kitchen, causing Jessie to shiver. "Heathens" comes on the radio, and she cranks the sound up, singing along. I wish I could smile. I'm so glad she's singing again.

Hunter Academy - Book 1
FanfictionJessica Matthews is a young college student, about to start her final year at Mizzou. After a night out with her friends before senior year starts, they are assaulted on their way back to their car, with tragic results. After the death of her best f...