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Leo pulls into my parking garage, and takes a space. He puts the vehicle in park and cuts the engine. I lift my head from where it was resting against the window and steal a glance at Leo. I feel nervous, like at the end of a date. He's leaning back against the headrest, his eyes closed. It seems as if he's trying to decide something.

"Would you like to come up for a while?" I ask him, and his head lifts quickly, his eyes opening to look at me. There's a slight panic to his expression, which confuses me. "Unless you don't want to. You don't have to." I hedge. I lower my head and look at my hands, wringing them in my lap. I feel him shift, then a hands lifts my chin to look at him.

"I would love nothing more than to come up and spend more time with you, Bear, but you're tired, and I need to get together with the guys. They've been blowing up my phone for the last thirty minutes. I need to see what they need." Understanding dawns.

"Oh, you could have checked that at any time. You didn't have to ignore them for me."

"It's fine. If it was super urgent, one of them would have red-lined me." He gives me a small side grin that has his dimple popping out. My eyes are immediately drawn to his full lips. I snake my tongue out and wet my own. I raise my gaze and see his eyes bouncing up and down between my mouth and my eyes. My face feels flushed and I lean forward just a little bit.

"I had a good time today." I tell him, my voice slightly husky. "I had a lot of fun hanging out with you."

"Me, too." He replies. His voice had dropped nearly an octave, and his pupils have dilated. He leans a little closer to me, just as i lean even more closer to him. "Bear?" I make an "hmm mm" sound. "Can I kiss you?" His normally green eyes are a brilliant shade of blue, and there's a pleading look in them. I nod my head slowly.

He leans in the rest of the way, his full lips landing on my own. It's like coming home. A feeling of rightness settles in my chest, and I breath out a soft sigh. He pulls back and looks at me questioningly. I simply put a hand on the back of his head and pull him back to me. He takes the hint. He reached up a hand and cups the side of my face, and deepens the kiss. His tongue snakes out to seek entrance. I open willingly, my tongue reaching out to lightly duel with his. I scooted even closer, needing to feel his body next to mine. He wraps his arms around me to pull me impossibly closer to him. His fingers draw small circles against my lower back, and combined with the feel of his heat against my front sets my heart beating even faster.

I moan deep in my throat, and Leo squeezes my hip in reaction to the unexpected noise. The kiss turns more urgent as our tongues duel for dominance. His taste is addictive, and I can't get enough of it. After what seems like hours, but in truth was only a few moments, our movements slow and we break apart for air. He rests his forehead against mine and heaves in several deep breaths, as I do the same thing.

"I could get addicted to you." He says, his eyes still closed, but I can hear the desperation in his voice.

"Same." I say simply, and he laughs. It's soft and has an endearing quality. A sound I could listen to for the rest of my days. "I'm going to go up. I really am tired."

"Okay, Bear." He says, landing a soft kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes at the intimate gesture. He lets go, then gets out and walks around to open my door for me. He walks me to the entrance, leaving me with the doorman. He envelops me in a hug, and I lie my head against his chest and squeeze back. "Go take a nap." He says against the top of my head, where he lays a soft kiss.

"Yes, dear." I mock. He just leans back and looks down at me, one perfect eyebrow raised. I laugh at his expression. "I promise to take a nap. Text me later, okay? Let me know what the guys say about what we talked about earlier."

Hunter Academy - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now